Passwords rarely changed after data breach

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Passwords rarely changed after data breach

If you use the same password everywhere online then it is quite possible that it has already been leaked.Often you will not notice this until it is actually too late. If you are aware of this then you have probably changed the password immediately.

However, it often turns out that many people do not change their password after it has been leaked. If the password is changed then it was often not much stronger than the previous password.

Not only was it not much stronger but it was also very similar to the leaked password.

This is shown in research by two American universities.

In this research 249 people participated of which 63 had an account on a website that had a data leak. The websites in question did warn the users about this via e-mail.Of the 63 users, 21 had changed their password after this notification. Of these 21 users, only 15 had changed it within 3 months.

What should I do in the event of a data breach?

If you see this you might be shocked, after all you don't want your account to be abused.When you receive a message from a website that your account has been misused, you should of course change your password as soon as possible. However, do not just click on links in an email but go to the website itself and log in. Often you will get a message about this. You can also click on forgotten password, you will receive an email where you can change the password. Of course it is strongly discouraged to use a similar password again.This can be abused because this is much like the previous password.

The best way to do this is not to make up a new password.You can best use a random password generator.
With this you always have a strong password that is virtually impossible to retrieve by malicious users.

How do I secure my website?

It is also important to keep your own website as secure as possible.There are many different ways to do this but the most important thing is to secure your admin page properly.
Especially when using WordPress Hosting, it is important that your admin page is properly secured.For example, by default the admin page can be accessed by typing /wp-admin after your website.
It is also possible to hide your admin page by using a plug-in.This will not get you into the admin environment by typing /wp-admin after your website but you can customize this to your liking.
This will make it a lot harder for malicious people to access this.Also, maintenance is very important, we'll go through why this is below.


Updates to your own website are so important, mainly because they improve the security of your website.This ensures that security holes in plug-ins for example are closed.
This reduces the chance of abuse and makes your website a lot safer.If you do not update regularly you run the risk that your website will be abused.
Not only updating is important but making backups is also important.It can always go wrong.Suppose you make a mistake on your website that you can not undo, with a backup you have it back within seconds.

Of course, you may not always have time to update everything properly and make backups.For this we have Managed WordPress Hosting.
Your WordPress, plug-ins and theme will be updated automatically.Also for making backups you do not have to worry anymore because we take care of this for you.

Provide a secure connection

Your own safety is important but the safety of your visitors is even more important.Therefore, ensure that you always have access to an https connection.
You can nowadays fortunately easily arrange an https connection via an SSL certificate.In a previous blog post we explained what this exactly means and what types of certificates there are.
Thanks to an SSL certificate, it is possible for your visitors to use a secure connection on your website.If you have your own business, it is nowadays a must to have an SSL certificate on your website.

Choose the right hoster

The most important thing is to choose the right Hosting for your website.At we strive to keep our services as fast and cheap as possible.
However, we find our service to be very important.Our helpdesk is always ready to help you with any problems.
We strive to always go the extra mile for our customers.For example, our support department has also been named the best live chat support of 2019!
If you have any further questions you can always check whether a chat employee is present.If no one is present on the chat you can create a ticket via our ticket system.Contact via Facebook or Twitter

is also possible.