New control panel security
New control panel securityWith
the new control panel came a lot of changes and improvements. What we are going to focus on in this blog post are the login methods and peer accounts within your hosting.If you have seen the mail from the control panel you have read that you need to change your password first. This is because the password encryption has been improved and the passwords are not visible anymore. This has of course a lot of advantages for the security.
2 factor authenticationWhat
else is possible with the new control panel is that you can use 2 factor authentication for your website hosting. This is a method where you have to perform a second action to be able to log in. You can set this up in 3 ways.An SMS message to your mobile phone2. An email to
the address registered in the control panel3.
When you sign up you get an email or SMS with a code to confirm it's you. You will also see a notification when someone else tries to log in. Which of course is very convenient. So you can immediately take action when someone tries something.
The last one is with Google Authenticator, a popular app for Windows, Android or IOS. This gives you a code that you can immediately use to log in. This app can be downloaded from the app store on your device. After this you can use it to set this up.
To make this active go to control panel -> Edit DetailsPeer
accountsA new
feature in the control panel is also the Peer accounts. In other words sub accounts that can be used by your employees or colleagues. You no longer have to share one account with everyone. This again brings benefits for security and control. There are separate rights to set what a peer account can and cannot do. For example, only access to the database or file manager. To set thisup, log into the control panel and go to peer