Many plug-ins turn off TLS validation

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Many plug-ins turn off TLS validation

Many plug-ins turn off TLS validation

Many websites today use a Content Management System.Think of WordPress Hosting, Joomla or Drupal.If you are using a Content Management System yourself then chances are you are using plug-ins.However, many of these plug-ins restrict the use of SSL and TLS validation on websites.This can result in customers' sensitive information being intercepted.The research that was done on this also showed that a lot of plug-ins have the cURL settings set to false instead of true.

How do I secure my customer data?

Your customers' data is extremely important, so it is important to secure your website as well as possible.One of the best things you can do against this is to purchase an SSL certificate.This ensures that your website can be reached through a secure connection.
You can recognize a website with an SSL certificate by a green lock next to the domain name.You can then click on the green lock and you will see more information about the SSL certificate.Also, the connection will go over HTTPS:// instead of HTTP:// so if you can connect over HTTPS you know you are on a secure website.
It is also important that you store customer data securely in your database.It is also advisable to remove plugins that you are not using, malicious users can abuse this.

Secure your admin environment.

The most important thing is of course your admin area, from the admin area you make all the changes to your website.Therefore it is recommended to always use a Random Password Generator.With this you can make sure that you have a password that is almost impossible to guess.It is also recommended to change this password once a month, this way you make it even harder for malicious users to guess your password.