Google Chrome now uses HTTPS by default

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Google Chrome now uses HTTPS by default

The importance of an SSL certificate should no longer be news to most people, as it has been pointed out for years that this is an important element to consider when creating a website. However, since the beginning of November 2023, this has become even more important as Google Chrome, the most popular internet browser, now considers this as standard.

HTTP must now be explicitly specified to still go here. Or HTTPS must be completely unavailable on a website. In this case, http is used. But this does not work in all cases, and we see from the reports and customer inquiries that this goes wrong in most cases. And in many cases there are ERR CONNECTION RESET error messages or you end up with an error message.

So it's more important than ever to enable HTTPS on your website now and put this at the top of your priority list. Make sure you implement this by 2023. Switching from HTTP to HTTPS is quite simple and can be done in a number of ways for your website. Let's take another look at the options you have for this.

Types of SSL certificates

The DV SSL certificate is the basic part of security. It simply verifies that the applicant actually has control over the domain for which the certificate has been requested. The validation process is automated so that it can be completed quickly. This type of certificate is suitable for simple websites where basic data security is sufficient.

A wildcard SSL certificate offers broader protection. It covers not only a specific domain, but also all its subdomains. For example, if you have a wildcard certificate for *, it also covers, and so on. This is ideal for companies with various subdomains.

With SSL certificates, it is also possible to apply for your own IP address, which also allows you to enjoy the benefits.

You can easily order an SSL certificate via the customer panel under the add-ons and you can also request it via a ticket at the helpdesk. With a paid SSL certificate, we also ensure that the website uses it correctly and that all traffic from your website automatically uses the secure connection.

Free SSL certificate from Lets Encrypt

We also have a free SSL certificate option for you, because thanks to the Lets Encrypt party, SSL certificates are now more accessible than ever. This is because they can be issued free of charge. You can install a Lets Encrypt certificate via the customer panel or the control panel with a click of the mouse. And then it is immediately active. Switching your website to use HTTPS can then be done via your configuration files and in some cases via the database. Consult our knowledge base and the documentation of your content management system.

So switch your website to HTTPS today so that your visitors can surf your website safely. And order or install it yourself via the customer panel. If you want to read more about the benefits of a paid SSL certificate, you can do so in our earlier blog. And if you want to install a Lets Encrypt certificate, you can do this yourself via our knowledge base article.

After you have installed your SSL certificate, check in Google Search Console whether it is completely correct for your website. Or run a scan with an online tool.

What do you think of this development from Google Chrome? Let us know!