Eighteen thousand data breaches reported since new privacy law

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Eighteen thousand data breaches reported since new privacy law

Eighteen thousand data breaches reported since new privacy law

Earlier this year the AVG law came into force, this is a law that applies throughout the European Union.This law replaces the Wbp law and is therefore no longer valid.Since the law went into effect there have been eighteen thousand reports of security breaches.Under this law, organizations and companies that have a data breach are required to report it to the national privacy authority.

In the Netherlands there was already an obligation to report since 2016.This concerns all different data leaks such as losing documents, sending an email whose personal data was sent to several people.But also more damaging leaks such as a hack where the data was leaked.

Ten thousand reports in 2017

Last year there were more than ten thousand reports of data leaks in the Netherlands.This was almost double the reports in 2016.The most notifications came from the healthcare sector.In fact, more than 3000 reports surfaced from the healthcare sector.
In 47% of the cases it concerned personal data that had been sent to a wrong recipient.The most leaked data is the name and address information.

How do I secure my data as well as possible?

If you use Hosting then it is very important that you keep your customer data safe.It is advisable to purchase an SSL certificate, so your users can visit your website through a secure connection.Besides that it gives you a secure connection you also come higher in Google.

It is also recommended that if you use a Content Management System then it is advisable to always keep it up to date.If you are using WordPress we offer the possibility to update everything automatically.This can be done through Managed WordPress Hosting.This way you do not have to worry about all the updates and you can continue with your business.

If you have any questions about data leaks you can always see if one of our chat operators is available.If no one is available you can always create a ticket to our helpdesk.