CCleaner malware found The popular tool CCleaner which is used on many PCs and Macs has been infected with Malware. If you have been keeping an eye on the news websites then you have probably already seen this passing by. still wants to dedicate a blog post to make sure that our customers do not accidentally miss it. The program CCleaner is used to clean up your PC by for example emptying all cookies and the recycle garbage can. This is how people have come to rely on it to
WordPress plugin Display Widgets hackedAbackdoor has been discovered with the Display Widgets plugin that grants access to hackers so they can modify content on the website and spread malware. This is not the first time a WordPress plugin has had some issues. In fact there are plugins that are not updated and are no longer suitable for use with the later versions of WordPress hosting. If you have Display Widgets installed within your WordPress website it is advisable to uninstall them as soon as
Google Chrome Not Secure notification without SSLIthas long been known that browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox show a notification when data such as passwords and credit card details are entered. This is only for pages and websites where no SSL certificate is active. Now from October this notification will also be shown on forms login fields and other input fields. They do this to also show users who do not know about this matter the possible dangers of entering data over an unsecured line.
New control panel securityWiththe new control panel came a lot of changes and improvements. What we are going to focus on in this blog post are the login methods and peer accounts within your hosting. If you have seen the mail from the control panel you have read that you need to change your password first. This is because the password encryption has been improved and the passwords are not visible anymore. This has of course a lot of advantages for the security.2 factor authenticationWhatelse is
Phishing and security At we are vigilant for incoming reports. We do everything to keep our web application firewall up to date and and make sure that websites that have been hacked are solved almost immediately. The Internet has a code of conduct for this namely the Notice and Take Down Decision. This is a code of conduct in the Internet industry that isthere for unlawful or criminal content on websites. The code of conduct sets out what the person concerned can do When a
Preventing fraud on the Internet Have you ever been the victim of Internet fraud? Or do you know someone who has had a lot of problems with this? As more and more people go online more and more cases of Internet fraud are surfacing. From sellers on Marktplaats who fail to deliver products to stealing bank and identity data. No matter where you are on the internet it is always wise to pay attention. Internet fraud - beware Since almost everyone can be found online it naturally attracts people with
Security and safe surfing on the internet With the latest NotPetya Ransomware spreading en masse again on Tuesday 27-06-2017 wants to draw attention to security again. This for both your hosting and your local network and PC. It is extremely important that you keep software and your operating system up to date. In addition you can take many steps to keep your web hosting as secure as possible. Many WordPress and Joomla sites are susceptible to attack if not kept up to date.
My Site has been hacked what now? It can happen you go to your website and suddenly all alarm bells go off from your Virus protection. Or you are redirected to a site that spreads Malware. This is of course very annoying and quite scary because now what? Your income and website are no longer accessible and you lose all your customers who are looking for you. It is often said wrong that the server is hacked this is in none of the cases since 2008 until now. ensures that all