Start using your mail account optimally

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Start using your mail account optimally

To start using a mail account from optimally, you can use a number of programs and ways of working. Let's cover them in this blog post.

An email account is and remains an important part of a business or hobby website. This is where questions come in from your customers or visitors. And this email address you can use to mail to anything. So you can ensure that you make appointments with other companies and customers. Or just for private everywhere to mail.

Choice of the email account itself

First of all before you create a new email account is the choice of the email account itself, an email address is not easy to change if you have been using it for a while. Therefore, it is important to carefully think about what email address you are going to use. You are completely free in what name you give it for your domain name. This can be a personal email address with your initials and last name, or this can be a general info@ address.

Do you have multiple colleagues within your organization then you better choose to do both. So a personal email address per colleague. And then further configure that multiple colleagues can see a general info@ address, or a support@ etc. So there can be easily communicated and further control can be held within the general mail accounts.

With our total packages you can create unlimited regular email accounts within the customer panel or control panel. The only limit is the size of the package itself. With the standard size of 25 gigabytes you will be able to go ahead for quite a while. Since 1 email is often no larger than 1 mb. And if you clean this up periodically it will not be a problem to use it for years without any worries.

Further configuring technical settings

There are a number of further technical settings with an emailhosting account which ensures that you have extra security and reputation. Many of these technical settings are even automatically taken care of for you when an email address is created via the customer panel. These are a DKIM record and a DMARC record. This gives an extra handshake or control at DNS level which makes you less susceptible to malicious actions on the mail account. And you will receive less SPAM.

An email address or domain also has a reputation with organizations like Google. When you send SPAM or in any other way do not use the email safely, this can damage the reputation of your email address. For example, it can cause your sent messages to be received in the SPAM. Never to be seen again by your potential new customer or employer. So take some time to read the following articles for our tips on this:

Set up email accounts on your devices and programs

Email accounts can of course also be set up in your favorite programs. We are big fans of the combination of Outlook on the desktop PCs or laptops, and the Spark email client for both Android and iOS phones. These both work very well to easily email and organize your inbox anywhere. This way you always stay on top of your latest emails, so you never get behind. With an email address you can also set up out of office notifications for example for a vacation. Or a standard message that is sent.

In our knowledge base we have a large list of email programs that can be used with our email addresses and you can use these articles to easily set up email accounts. So we have extensive experience with different email programs and can also quickly help you to set up. Talk to us in the online chat to also be quickly helped with setting up an email account.

Email always accessible through our webmail

Furthermore, our email is always accessible through an Internet browser such as Google Chrome or another as desired. Here you have all the functionality you would like to have with an email address. Like sending and receiving mail of course, and extensive calendar and task organization. This also gives you the chance to easily collaborate between colleagues with chats and folders that can be shared.

So you can use your email address on any device and in any way. Which gives you the ability to always stay on top of this. This to make your website hosting together with an email address a success and also achieve your goals.