Criteria for a good website

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Criteria for a good website

A website can consist of a lot of different topics, design and designs and interests. With a website, you can promote your startup, expand your freelance work or put your business on the map. However, with a website you can get it right or wrong in many different ways. And there are also certain measures and action items you can take to make your website work better. Let's look at what criteria a good Web site should meet.

Who determines what makes a good website is of course the first point or question that can be asked. After all, there is no 1 party that determines whether it is a good website yes or no. In the eyes of Google is perhaps one of the most important opinions, since this is where virtually most of the traffic comes from for the website. If a website is not good in the eyes of Google, Facebook or any of the other tech giants, then no traffic or visitors may be sent to your website by that party. Thus, you also depend on the user experience of your visitors in perhaps a more direct way. Once you see back that a lot of people on your website leave it quickly. Or on the other hand do not find the information they are looking for. Then this is another bad experience that customers naturally have on your website. So let's take a deeper dive into what it takes to deliver a good website to your customers.

The right information

What is increasingly important about a website is finding the right information on it, it has been tracked for some time how visitors interact with your website. But since the latest updates to the Google Algorithm for search, and also the quality score of your Google Ads it ensures that this can also have a direct impact on performance. A high bounce rate, a quick quick back, or other negative action performed on your website causes Google to take this into account for the next search.

It doesn't matter what kind of website you have, and in this one it's about a purchase that wants to be fulfilled. Such as a search for a product, a review thereof or just service as an alternative. A search query can also be viewed in a number of different ways.

The right information on a website is therefore very important. With the right text, without too many spelling mistakes, and the right facts in it. This can ensure that visitors have a fine experience on your website. No matter which website, it is still important that you show a catchy introductory text, for example. A nice product image and go a little deeper into it with the detailed product description or specifications. This way everything can be presented for the customer to look for. And in the best scenario, of course, immediately proceeds to a purchase. Or makes another conversion.

A beautiful presentation

The design of the website is of course an important criteria of the website as well, but this is subjective. Of course, there will always be people who like different looks. And most websites do follow a general trend, such as minimalist, nice round shapes and lines, or just bold and size planes and bright colors. Of course, it all depends on how your business looks. And what you want from a website. A greengrocer will have less strict requirements for a website's appearance than an architect, for example.

As long as you choose a modern template from a website made in WordPress, for example, or otherwise use a nice concept or have one made, then you will often be fine. Always try to adapt the colors and images to your house style. Try to keep it a bit in the same trend in your email signature, your business card and your logo on the company car.

If you want to see what a new concept for your website could be, have a look at where we can make a sketch for you for a new design. Our team can of course help you with this.

Fast loading website

That a website should load quickly and be fully usable on mobile devices is of course already known. After all, this is a big factor in how visitors and users experience your website. In a world where more and more people are using mobile devices for all their purchases and research on the Internet. Of course, the fast loading of a website is highly dependent on hosting. So choose an SSD hosting package at for the best speed and stability. And if you especially want to get a .NET Core website going, you can always choose a package of this. Here you have even more speed for your next project with your own dedicated pool.

The secure use of the website and its services

Furthermore, it is also very important that your website is safe to use for not only yourself, but also for your visitors. By a secure website we mean a website that is regularly kept up to date in updates to the underlying technology, complex passwords, an SSL certificate and secure database. Our knowledge base is full of tips and tricks that you can use to further secure your website. And therefore you can offer and use your website safely.