
Wat is email-only hosting?

In certain situations it is not necessary to opt for a more comprehensive or higher total package. An email hosting package is then sufficient. But what can you do with just email hosting? Or as we call it the email package. We'll explain that in detail in this blog post! Your own email address what does it mean? Everyone has their own email address in everyday life you encounter many situations where you are asked for your email address. Many people have a free provider for this and don't worry

Start a website as an independent

When you start your own business there is often a lot to do. Besides registering with the Chamber of Commerce and starting your business a website is one of the first things you need to think about. With a website you can get the word out about your business and attract your first customers. Creating a website can be outsourced but with a little will and time it's also great to do it yourself. In this blog post let's take a look at the steps involved. How do you choose a domain name? Your self-employment

Offer hosting as a reseller

If you are a web designer or digital marketing company and you want to offer hosting for your projects in a simple way you can do it with Our standard packages are great for your clients and would you rather have more control over the packages and their setup? Then you can also switch to our reseller hosting. Let's take a closer look at what this involves and how to set it up in this blog post. As a reseller you're looking for a stable fast and easy platform on which to host

What is a house style?

As soon as you start a business you are confronted with a variety of concepts and terms corporate identity is one of them. In this blog we want to discuss what exactly this can mean and how you can design and set this up on your website. Starting a business means taking on a lot of responsibilities not only to get your first customers but also to set up a long list of rules and be legally correct. The relatively easy part is to create a website and take the first steps to offer your services or

Gmail alternative

Gmail is one of the most popular email providers for personal and business use. If you are looking for an alternative to this for your own domain name then we at have a cheap package for you. Here you have the same functionality as in Gmail. Let's take a look at email for your own domain name in this blog post! Email is still part of everyday business life for many and email is still an important means of communication for private use as well. Whether you use email to receive

Work on your ranking with webshops

With a web store you often rely entirely on ads to bring visitors to your web store. These can be ads on the Google search network for relevant products and terms on social media to target an audience or directly on other websites via the display network. However with a web store it is also possible to rank via natural results if you use some clever tricks. We want to cover these in this blog post! How is your web store set up? Your web store can be set up in various ways with popular solutions

Website for artists

If you are an artist looking for ways and options to build a website you may be overwhelmed by the options available and how to go about it all. There are several ways to build a website for you. This blog post will list the most useful of them. And how you can get started at a low cost! It doesn't matter what kind of artist you are: Painter musician visual artist or anything in between. With a website you can make sure your work is better noticed. And you can take advantage of new opportunities

How much space do you need for an email address

It is one of the Frequently Asked Questions in our knowledge base how much space you should set for your mail address. As a novice webmaster it may still be somewhat unclear how exactly this works. Therefore we cover this in this blog post in more detail. And we hope to answer all your questions. Let's get started! An email address is still an essential part of any business organization or personal use. An email address allows you to record appointments contact a client or other business. And record

Embed YouTube Shorts in your website

YouTube Shorts have been growing in popularity since the last time we covered it in a blog post. With an established presence in the YouTube mobile app and even on desktop there is no escaping it anymore. More and more content creators are creating more and more videos for this as well. And are already seeing a lot of results generated. In fact there are already some YouTube channels that exclusively upload YouTube Shorts but. Like normal YouTube videos they are also embeddable on your website