Write your first articles for a blog

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Write your first articles for a blog

Congratulations! You have started a blog, you have done so with WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or Umbraco. You've chosen a nice theme for the layout that matches what you want for the site. You've already written your "About Us" and "Contact Us" pages, and now you're looking for ideas for your first blog posts. In this article, we'd like to give you some ideas that can be applied to almost any blog. Let's get started!

Starting a blogging site is not that difficult anymore. With MijnHostingPartner.nl's extensive knowledge base articles and the amount of information we have for you, it's all very easy. But actually writing content can sometimes be hard to get started. In this blog post, we share some general ideas that can be used. For your hobby, passion or interest that the blog revolves around, you can also come up with a content strategy.

General tips for starting your first posts

To start writing your first blog posts, you must first be aware that blog posts with less than 250 words have almost no chance of ranking in the search engines. For a blog site to rank, it often takes much more than that. If you thought you could write 50 blog posts in a week because of this. Then you need to go back to planning. A blog post, often no matter what it's about. Needs more content to rank not only in the eyes of search engine crawlers.

But so does the last visitor to your blog. Various recipe websites are an example of this. The first results within Google, do they just give you the recipe and ingredients? Or do they have a story to go with it as well? Most websites that are at the top of the search engines also have a story to go with it. However, this has had a negative impact on the user experience. So Google is working to do it differently.

The reader should come first in many ways, so keep that in mind. And think about what the first questions were before you got into the hobby. As an example, consider bird watching. And make a list of topics that come to mind. Like "What warm clothing will keep you warm when birding in the winter?", "The best binoculars for the beginner", "Binoculars for advanced birders", "The best watches for birding", "How to note birds in a guidebook", "Learning to identify birds" and so on. Think about what questions a beginner might have about the hobby. And think about what the search terms will be. Some of the above examples can be perfectly considered buyer intent keywords, where users are looking for things to buy. And others can be considered purely informational. Not everything on your blog has to be commercial, after all. Keep such a list of topics on your phone so that you can access and update it anytime, wherever you are.

Some tips for different categories and how to divide your site up.

Categories can be used to divide a blog post in a logical way, they help your visitors find the information they are looking for. They can also signal to search engines to help them rank the blog post. With a category structure, you can also often give yourself a better idea of what you will be writing about. Reviewing things, informing newbies, or explaining technical things. These types of topics are best grouped together so that some information is compiled and suggested for the reader to read on.

Pay attention to the questions that are asked

In addition to determining what content you're going to write about, it's also important to determine how much people are looking for it. You can do this by examining search volume. In this search volume, you can see how many visitors there are in a month searching for that topic. This is never fixed data and should always be taken with a grain of salt. Good tools for this are Google Trends, Ahrefs, Keyword Surfer and Semrush. These tools come in a number of varieties and are either paid or free. Depending on the budget you have available. Here you can see the search volume and determine if it's worth writing about. Also important.

Chance of the content ranking in Google.

To have a chance of ranking well in Google, it is important to not only create longer content. But also written with the latest blogging tips and tricks. Read all about it in our previous articles and make sure your blog is on the first page. Also, through our partner MijnWebdesignPartner.nl, you can take advantage of our services to make sure your website is found better in Google.

Take the tips and keep writing, you too can be successful with your blog! And for a little shopping around, you can host your website for a year at MijnHostingPartner.nl!