Where do your website visitors come from

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Where do your website visitors come from

It is sometimes difficult to come up with new ways to track where your website visitors are coming from and how to track this. That's why we cover it in this article.

A website can attract a lot of visitors, often it happens that suddenly one post attracts much more attention than another. It is important to know where those visitors come from as well as how they got to your website. There are a number of well-known channels that are used to promote your content. Let's brush up on these again and share a few possible new sources.

How do you see where your website visitors are coming from?

Finding out where website visitors come from is easy to determine with a number of tools. Some well-known website statistics tools are Google Analytics and Microsoft Clarity. With these two tools you can not only see where your website visitors come from, but also how they subsequently interact with your website. For example, do they only stay on one page and then immediately leave the website again? Then you have to deal with a bounce. Read more about this in the article about Bounce Rate.

When they look further on your website and interact with your website you have done well in most cases. People find what they are looking for and find the content interesting enough to want to read more of your website.

All this and more you keep exact track of in both Analytics tools. There are of course several options available for this. Look around in our knowledge base for alternatives if you don't want to use them.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows you to track a lot of metrics of your website. If you want to see where your website visitors come from then you can perform the following steps within Google Analytics.

Go to the left ribbon and click on acquisition in the menu and then go to the main menu. At the top you then select the date range you want to see it from. After this it will come into view. In the multiple options that you find in the list you can then also further unpack on which page the visitors find you the most.

Where do your website visitors come from

Microsoft Clarity

Microsoft Clarity has a simpler implementation than Google Analytics, you will see immediately after logging into the dashboard the following screen, Referrers. Here you can see where your visitors come from most, when you click through you can see how the visitors interact with your website. This can be done in Clarity with a heatmap and session playback.

The referrer screen in Microsoft Clarity looks like this:

Where do your website visitors come from

Where are the website visitors coming from? New channels and known ones.

If you are looking for other sources for website traffic you are certainly not alone. It depends on your target audience, as we have discussed in previous blog posts, so you will need to do some research on your target audience. Where is the most activity? Is it on websites like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Or is it in the super specific forums or in the new social media channels that are springing up.

A few of these new social media channels that you might want to try to get more visitors to your website hosting are.


StayKeen is a platform that came out recently, an initiative of Google and is again heavily focused on interesting articles. Should you want to see traction on this, you need and a cool featured image, and your articles should be top notch. Keep in mind that this platform is still pretty new. And therefore does not have many users yet. But this does give you the opportunity to perhaps be ahead of the competition.

It works with sharing content through your profile, make sure you set this to publicly accessible! Otherwise it is not very useful.


Reddit is already known by many as a valuable source of traffic. However, this is a collection of users who can spot paid posts and commercial posts right out of it. Many subreddits also have a whole host of rules that you need to follow. So jump in with caution and do your best to keep the conversation alive in the comments after sharing your content.


Quora can get a lot of traffic if you tune it in the right way. Make sure you research the question and can give an appropriate answer with an article from your website. Furthermore, Quora prefers long answers. So see this more as Guest posting.


Is a fairly new social media platform developed by the same people behind Wikipedia. With a focus on privacy and not abusing the users who are on this platform. Share your content here in the right niche and you can get a reasonable number of visitors from here.

And these were today's tips, do you have any resources where you get the most success from?Keep an eye on our blog posts for more tips, tricks and the latest news.