What is a website conversion?

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What is a website conversion?

In the world of websites, there are some terms that you will come across as soon as you start using them. Website conversions is a term that is perhaps the most important to know. And how you can influence and improve them. In this blog post, we'll go into more detail about what exactly it means and how you can better measure it.

Different types of conversions

A conversion can be defined very broadly, but in general it means a website visitor who takes a desired action on your website. So a visitor who orders something on your website, clicks on an ad, places an order through an affiliate link, or signs up for a newsletter can be a positive development that you are aiming for when running a website.

After all, you create a website for a reason: it can raise awareness of your business, whether it's to a global audience, a nationwide audience, or a local audience. And it can provide everything from more in-store visits to an easy way to make reservations. So conversion is an umbrella term for any positive action a visitor can take on your website.

Converting website visitors into paying customers

So, successfully converting website visitors into paying customers is on every website manager's priority list. With a higher conversion rate, you can also get more out of your existing website visitors. You can do this by having a clear goal on every page of your website and linking clear actions to it. This could be a newsletter subscription invitation with a catchy pop-up, or some other type of conversion that has already been covered.

Website visitors can be converted into paying customers by optimizing the user experience, such as using clear call-to-actions, eye-catching attention grabbers by using colors and buttons that prompt action. And by having a streamlined checkout process. Above all, let people outside your company take a look; you yourself are often too close to see it objectively.

Track conversions better with statistics tools

Conversions are great once they roll in, of course, but how can you better track them to improve them in the future? To do this, keep website statistics where you review or add certain metrics to get better insight into where and how exactly conversions are coming from. The biggest party to use for this is of course Google, with its Google Analytics 4 you can see the latest stats for your website, and based on links with other Google tools you can see exactly where conversions are coming from here. Integrations with tools like Google Search Console give you more insight into organic traffic from Google, and linking with Google Ads gives you more insight into the ads you're running in it. This way, you can link Google services and get the most out of them.

If you prefer to control the statistics yourself, you can also look at a local option: Matomo is a tool that stores data completely locally. Thus, it offers more privacy to your visitors than tools like Google Analytics. Once you enable this, you share the data and it can be sent to the US.

More website visitors don't automatically mean more conversions

More visitors to your website doesn't automatically mean more conversions on your website, but the more visitors you have each month, the more likely this is. You can optimize your website even if you already have a certain number of users. However, this often only makes sense once you exceed the mark of a thousand visitors per month. Below that, the data base may be too small to draw any conclusions.

If you want to optimize your existing visitor pool for conversions, you can run various A-B tests, such as 50% of a particular ad leading to a separate landing page. This can be as simple as a different call-to-action or color scheme. And analyze your results after a certain period of time. Longer is often better in such cases. Try to run such tests for at least a month. This will give you a better idea of what your visitors prefer.

Optimize the website for more conversions

In most cases, optimizing a website is not done with a single click of the mouse, but it is often a combination of factors that can cause a website to be less than optimal. However, it is often the following aspects that need to be checked. The loading speed of the website on both mobile devices and desktop. The clarity and readability of the text and whether users can find what they are looking for on the website. The speed and to some extent the usability of a website can be tested with tools from Google itself. Google Pagespeeds gives you more insight into how your site is technically loading, and Google Search Console's usability tools give you more insight into how your site can be used.

So create a report on the current state of your website, and then work point by point to improve your website. It takes some effort, but it can make a big difference in your conversion numbers.

So start optimizing your website conversions now! And create the right foundation with the hosting packages from MijnHositngPartner.nl.