The Benefits of Local Hosting for Dutch Websites

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The Benefits of Local Hosting for Dutch Websites

At, we understand the essence of fast, reliable hosting for Dutch websites. That's why there are significant benefits to choosing local hosting with us for your online presence in the Netherlands. Read on now for all the benefits we can offer your business, enterprise or freelance website!

Super fast load times for your Dutch visitors

Our servers, located in data centers in Utrecht and Amsterdam, offer unmatched speed for your website visitors across the country. The proximity of the servers minimizes latency and maximizes the performance of your website. At, we believe fast load times equals better user experience and more conversions. We also offer separate packages if you want even more speed, namely our SSD hosting packages, and our special hosting packages for Managed WordPress hosting and .NET hosting. These will ensure the best results for your next project.

Improved SEO with Local Hosting

Search engines like Google appreciate websites hosted on servers that are close to their target audience. By choosing local hosting, you increase your chances of ranking high in Dutch search results. At we strive to give your website an edge in SEO.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is obviously not just a matter of hosting your website in the Netherlands only, Google takes into account more than 200 factors to determine where your website is displayed in search results. Want to learn more about this? Then take a look at our white paper where we unpack this in more detail. Available for download in our knowledge base.

Dedicated Support in Dutch (also English and German)

Our team understands the local market like no other. Not only do we offer support in Dutch, but we also understand the specific needs of Dutch websites. This allows us to provide faster and more targeted support to our customers. So you can simply get in touch with us in Dutch, whether through the online chat or the ticket system.

Dutch Legislation is well aware of local laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy. By choosing us, you have a good foundation on which to build your website. Our knowledge base is also full of more than 500 articles ready for you to read. Including tips on how best to secure your website, what to consider, and much more.

At, we pride ourselves on our local hosting services designed to provide Dutch websites with the best possible online experience. Choose us to benefit from super fast load times, improved SEO, dedicated support in Dutch and much more!