Reviews for my company

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Reviews for my company

Maintaining your own business is not easy, you need to have a website and the hosting to go with it.You also need to keep your customers happy, answer emails and many other things.

Keeping your customers happy can not always be easy, angry customers are often more inclined to leave negative reviews.Keeping your reviews up to date is therefore important, as positive customers can do a lot of good for your business.

If another potential customer sees a good review then they will be more inclined to order something from you.In this blog post we will discuss how you can best encourage customers to leave reviews.

How important are reviews really?

Of course, you may be unsure about the importance of reviews on your website.Research has shown that more than 90 percent of users look at reviews before taking action.

Also, 85 percent of people trust a review as a personal experience and 20 percent write a review.So it can be very beneficial to you if you encourage your customers to leave reviews.

How do I encourage my customers to leave reviews

Encouraging your customers to leave a review sometimes seems quite complicated but it is easier than you think.It can be as simple as sending them an email and asking them to leave a review.

You can send this email after your customers have placed an order for example.If you have a satisfied customer then the chance that they will leave a positive review will also increase.

You can also have a link in the mail to the review page on your website.This way customers can leave a review on your website at almost any time.

Another thing you can do for your customers is go the extra mile to make them happy.For example, you can offer to perform a free a normal paid service if they leave a positive review.

Negative reviews

Sooner or later you will receive a negative review and it is important that you know how to deal with it.For example, you should not react angrily or, even worse, not react at all.

The best thing you can do is ask the customer for his or her story and possibly contact the customer.You can then use the mail or other contact method to offer the customer a solution.

Often people are willing to remove or modify their review after they are offered a solution.So you can satisfy customers despite a bad experience.

If you have any further questions on this subject, you can always see if one of our chat operators is available.If no one is available to chat with you, you can submit a ticket to our helpdesk.