Registering your domain and hosting at MijnHostingPartner

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Registering your domain and hosting at MijnHostingPartner

Registering your domain and hosting at MijnHostingPartner

Having your own website for your company with the hosting to go with it is almost impossible to imagine today's world without it. People will find your company hard to find if you do not have your own website. With an own website comes of course an own domain name. The domain you need to register, you can use different extensions such as .nl, .be, .eu or .com.In this blog post we will discuss how you can register a domain name and what hosting is involved.

How do I register my domain?

Registering a domain is fortunately a very easy process because it can be done within seconds, even if you're a layman. You should first check whether your desired domain name is available. If it is available you can add it to your shopping cart and order. When you have done this you have your own domain name. You can use it to manage your own DNS records or to set up a redirection.

It may also be the case that you want to host a website you created yourself, luckily this is also possible with us with a total package or an SSD package. This gives you many different webhosting options and a choice of content management systems. One of these content management systems that is used by many people is WordPress. This is one of the most convenient content management systems out there.

In fact, it is so popular that about 30 percent of the Internet runs on WordPress websites. Of course, we offer support for this and we even have special packages for this. These are Managed WordPress hosting, which are super fast packages where everything is automatically maintained.

With these packages everything is updated automatically. WordPress itself, the corresponding theme and your plug-ins. Besides these handy features, you also have the advantage of being placed on an SSD disk.This will make your website run a lot faster, which is useful if you have a lot of content on it.

Also for ASP.NET

You may also want to use ASP hosting. Of course we also support this at MijnHostingPartner. This will also run without any problems. Nopcommerce or DotNetNuke are systems that are perfectly suited for these packages.

If you have any questions about registering domains or webhosting then you can always see if one of our chat operators is present. If no one is available then you can always create a ticket to our helpdesk.