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Post a website

There are many reasons to abandon a website, whether it's that you just don't have time to deal with it anymore. It doesn't matter if you don't feel like continuing or if you are closing a business. If you want to quit a website, there are a number of considerations and steps you can or should take. Let's discuss them in this blog post!

If you're quitting a website, why not give it away or sell it?

Abandoning a website can of course be an easy consideration for you, for example if your business stops, or you want to delete your blog post website, then you can just stop and abandon it. Sometimes, or even often, a website and its domain name can be a valuable asset. The older your website and the more content it has, the more valuable it can be. For example, if your blog site ranks on Google for a number of commercial keywords, this can be very interesting to companies in the same market.

So you may pass a site on to someone who is interested in keeping it going, or to a company that wants to buy it. Of course, this involves a bit more work that you may not want to do. But at the same time, it can save you a lot of money, or at least not undo all the effort you've put into the site over the years.

To find prospects for your website, you can look at the most popular terms that you rank for, taking into account the other parties that are also mentioned in the search queries. Or advertise on them. You can then contact those parties to discuss whether they might be interested. Provide evidence or build trust in a way that website owners receive many thousands of emails per year. You can also contact them through your social media channels, which often works more directly than an email.

Websites with lots of content and lots of links from other domains can be worth thousands of dollars.

Stopping and deleting a website "physically

If you want to stop the website and keep it running in the background, you can put it on pause. You can pause the website from the control panel or the client panel, which will give you the default IIS page on the website hosting. This will stop everything immediately, and pages other than the homepage will no longer be accessible via the Internet.

If you want to remove the website completely, you can do it in several ways or you can cancel the package and domain name immediately in the customer panel. Or you can first remove the website with the database via the Control Panel. And then cancel the services. Also think about the mails that remain active, these are also to be stopped via the control panel.

If you delete the content or files of a website, they are really gone. So make sure you make a local backup on your computer if you still want to keep some of it. It is possible to look into our server image backups at, but restoring them comes at a cost. So think about it carefully before doing so.

Not an easy task to remove a website from the Internet

If you want to completely remove a website from the Internet, you will have to put some extra effort into it. And there is also a possibility that it will not be completely successful. As soon as you publish something on the Internet, it is possible that it will be indexed and stored in one way or another. Either by robots of Google, Bing or other search engines, or archived, for example by the wayback engine of

To completely remove your website from the Internet, you must first determine what it is indexed for. You can use Google itself to find out where your website is mentioned. Based on this, you can see if you can remove it. Finally, you can have your website de-indexed in Google. For this, you can use Google Search Console to remove the website completely.

Stopping the domain

The domain name can be considered separate from the website, so they can be terminated separately. However, if you want to completely abandon the website and the domain name, you can completely cancel the domain name. If you still want to keep the domain name in your portfolio, this is possible by canceling the hosting package only.

A domain name alone can be renewed annually for such a small amount that it is often the more logical decision to keep it rather than cancel it altogether. Once you cancel it, it remains available for a period of time until it's back on the market, but there are many parties who will try to grab it if there are still many links pointing to it. So if you want to do more with it later, it can be an expensive hobby to get back into.

So there are many reasons to think about what you will do with your domain and website if you want to get rid of it. Look around your neighborhood and ask what someone is willing to give you for your work. It could be worth a lot of money!