Payment system buses accessible with the password 1234

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Payment system buses accessible with the password 1234

Payment system buses accessible with the password 1234

Having a strong password is obviously important if you want to protect your personal data.We recently discovered that the payment systems of Keolis buses were accessible with the password '1234'.This was discovered by an icter called "Melvin Morssink" who used the program Teamviewer to view the payment data of seven buses.

It is a good example of a bad password.Out of curiosity, we decided to do some more research on this.It turned out that the password "1234" is one of the most commonly used passwords.For important systems such as the payment system of a bus, it is extremely unsafe to use this as a password.

A secure password for your web hosting

If you use web hosting then it is of course important that you have a secure password but how is your password really safe?To begin with, it is wise if you do not use the same password everywhere.Because if hackers have a password from you then they will certainly try it on other websites.For example, if you use the same password on your website and also use it for Paypal you will quickly lose your money!

Another tip for a secure password is to use a random password generator.This way you can easily create a new password every time.This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to get into one of your accounts.If you use a random password then it is of course important that they are stored properly.

For example, do not attach them to post-it notes on your screen, if there happens to be a malicious person walking past your desk then he can use this password.It is also wise that if you decide to save them in a notepad file, for example, that you do not leave your computer on.Otherwise, anyone can use this text file to copy your passwords literally!

If you still have questions about how to set a secure password on your webhosting then you can always see if there is a chat representative available.If there is no chat employee present then you can always send a ticket to our helpdesk.