Major update to Firefox in November

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Major update to Firefox in November

There are a number of choices for browsers. The browser is a crucial part of the Internet and allows you to easily browse the web. The biggest players in the browser world are:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari

Where Google Chrome now has the largest user base at 54% and FireFox now stands at 6%. FireFox lost a lot of users in 2008 when Google Chrome emerged. But FireFox thinks they can get a lot of users back with their update coming out in November 2017. The update 57 is a big update where the team at FireFox put more than a year of work into it.

Mozilla’s general manager Chris Beard promises that it is going to provide a “Big Bang†and that many people will be won back to FireFox. is in any case curious about what the new version will bring. We have always stayed in the box of the 6% that uses FireFox the most. This is because we like the developer tools in the browser best.

Position for privacy

FireFox has previously made a stand that no personal information is sold on to other parties. And have made subtle and not so subtle jabs at Google Chrome for this. With billboard ads like:

  • Browse against the Machine
  • Big browser is watching you

But of course this matters little when the browser cannot compete with Google Chrome in terms of speed and functionality.


Firefox is known as a somewhat slower browser. This is because there were a lot of small bugs in the background that slowed it down. Over the past year a lot of attention has been paid to this. With the next update it will be possible to run FireFox in multiple processes. This will improve security and speed by leaps and bounds. Project Quantum is called this development and takes advantage of the more powerful hardware that devices now have. Think of a phone with more than 4 cores and powerful desktop and laptops with a heavy graphics card. By using this powerful hardware FireFox can ensure that the browser runs a lot faster.

Over the last 15 years, the web has gone from being largely static pages with hyperlinks to extensive applications with many interactive features. Users want to be able to experience this without hindrance or delay. It is not for nothing that it is always recommended to keep load times within your website below 3 seconds. Longer than that and you lose visitors.

The first version of this project will be available in the last months of 2017 for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux. IOS will have to take a back seat for now, no release is known for this yet.