Magento web stores affected by leak and nearly 6 million .nl domain names registered

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Magento web stores affected by leak and nearly 6 million .nl domain names registered

Last Friday, the security company Saguine Security reported that nearly a thousand Magento web stores have been broken into. The malicious users have provided the web stores with a malicious piece of JavaScript.

Thanks to this piece of JavaScript, it was possible to intercept various payment details of customers. These include the full name, credit card number, address and phone number of the customer in question.

How do I protect myself against this?

If you are using hosting and Magento it is advisable to check a few things. When you have installed all updates for Magento you don't have to worry about this.

The patch that was released for this issue has already been released last March, but the affected webshops had not yet installed it.

If you haven't installed the patch yet it is recommended to do so as soon as possible. When you have done this you still need to change the password of the administrator account.
It is advisable to make this password as strong as possible, this can be done for example by using our Random Password Generator
. If you have done this then you can safely use your website again.

Almost 6 million .nl domain names registered

Last year, almost fifty thousand new .nl domains were added, and there are now about six million .nl domain names in total. This is what the sidn reported in a recent message on Twitter. If you don't have your own .nl domain name, it might be interesting to register one, but how do you do that?

Registering your domain can be done easily and within seconds at MijnHostingPartner. First you need to check if your domain name is still available, if it is you can add it to your shopping cart and order.When you have done this you will have your own domain.

If you want to run your own website on this domain, for example made in WordPress, you will also need hosting. For WordPress we always recommend using the Managed WordPress hosting. The updates are further automated so you do not have to do anything anymore.

If you have any questions about this topic you can always check if one of our chat operators is available. If no one is on the chat then you can always create a ticket to our helpdesk.