How to avoid thin content

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How to avoid thin content

Copy and articles on a website are a regular part of the job, often having to do it on a daily or weekly basis. When you create content in the form of blog posts, new articles, products or pages, you need to arrange your content so that it is good for the reader and for search engines like Google. But how do you prevent thin content? We will discuss this in this blog post.

Thin content is penalized by search engines like Google and therefore causes your website to rank lower in the search engines. This, of course, is not desirable. Content writing can be difficult at times and always involves a lot of work. Webmasters therefore always look for shortcuts. However, this can be dangerous. Below is how you can avoid this problem and solve it if you have received a penalty for it.

Write more

Of course, this is not always the solution, but more text related to the topic can already ensure that your page is not classified as thin content. Any articles or pages with less than 250 words are considered thin content by default, and therefore have a low chance of appearing in organic search results. Writing more when you launch a new product or service, or simply in every article you publish, is therefore a strategy you can adopt to avoid thin content.

However, don't try to put nonsensical stories underneath just because you don't have the words. Always keep the content related to the original idea of the page. For example, explain a bit more about the different specifications, a piece of design or other developments. And so on. This way, you can create a longer text in a more natural way. One tip we can give you here is to start with the layout of an article first, rather than starting at the top of the page. Write down your headings and try to get an idea of how you want the text to flow. This way you can speed up the page without getting stuck on every line.

Don't use AI-generated text

Artificial intelligence (AI) is useful for many things, including writing text these days. However, this is not good enough in the eyes of Google(yet) to rank . Many websites are already taking advantage of this and trying to cut costs for writers. However, Google is getting better at detecting this, and based on user experience, it's easy for Google to determine if this text was enjoyable to read. AI isn't there yet.

Provide original and unique content

Articles and content that you've cobbled together from other sources can also lead to penalties. If you put little or no effort into this yourself, you shouldn't expect spectacular results. In the past, before a series of Google algorithm updates, you could use a link bomb of low quality sites to artificially pump up your site's article. This is no longer the case. To rank in Google and other search engines, you need to create the right content for the search query and have a good internal linking strategy where you link to relevant content. And make sure your website hosting is quick and easy to read.

Original content, of course, is created by you or one of your writers. You need to make sure it's content you've created yourself, and if you outsource it, it's equally important that you check it with a plagiarism scanner. If that text is already on another website, you can get penalized for that as well. And that can lead to negative results. So it is always important to write content yourself or find the right authors. This also applies to the images you use. Of course, every webmaster uses an image from a general website. However, check if this is allowed and make your own images if possible. For many websites and businesses, this is all it takes to spend an afternoon taking pictures of their services and products. This can be done with a smartphone with a good camera. Images for the web always need to be compressed anyway.

Partner websites with low effort

If you create low quality affiliate websites, this can also be considered thin content. For example, if you've never held the product you're reviewing in your hands, there's little you can add to it with a review. Then there's a good chance you'll get a low quality score from Google. You may rank well for a number of search terms, but as soon as a competitor publishes a better post or review, there's a good chance your review will go down in the search results.

So it is actually the case with all websites that you need to put a lot of work into the content, just a short text is not enough in today's world. So always pay attention to this and make sure that you not only have more text, but also higher quality text. You achieve this by writing more and keeping your content relevant.