How much does your own website cost per year?

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How much does your own website cost per year?

Having your own website is often the first step for many entrepreneurs, whether you want to set up a webshop to offer your services or products. You want to create a beautiful portfolio to attract more customers or start a sophisticated blog about your adventures. With your own website, you have a blank canvas on which to create your artwork. But what is the annual cost of setting up and maintaining your own website? That's what we'll cover in this blog post.

The cost unpacked, hosting and domain name

Basically, there are two different things that cost when setting up your own website: the space on a server that is set up for you, the hosting. And the cost of a domain name. Since we have, it is also necessary to choose a domain name for your website.

These two costs are converted to a year at and categorized with the cheapest combination, which includes everything you need for a website and mail, as follows:

Cost for the hosting total package: €27,- without VAT.
Cost of the .nl domain name: €2.50 excluding VAT (second year €7).

Only for .nl, .be and .eu domain names there is a promotion for the first year at the time of writing this article. So you can start the first year a bit cheaper.

With the basic Total Hosting package, you can do everything you want with a website and mail, and for many customers, that's enough. However, if you want to work with a content management system like WordPress, we recommend you take the next step in the package and choose the Total SSD package. This will give you more speed, and a relatively heavy website like WordPress will run more stably on it.

Still not sure? Then read through this article again, or start a chat. We will be happy to advise you on your choice.

Create your own website

To keep the cost of a website as low as possible, you need to roll up your sleeves and create the website yourself. But don't worry, because with modern tools it is possible for anyone to create a website. All you need to do is some homework and the urge to solve some problems yourself. has an extensive knowledge base that will help you with almost every step and question. You can also find entire tutorials on YouTube that will guide you through the entire process.

With modern tools like WordPress, it is possible to create your website in just one afternoon. What often takes the most work is the text that needs to be written on a website. Text is necessary for almost any website and can inform, persuade or activate visitors. And everything in between.

Have a website created

Having a website created is, in most cases, a bigger investment than creating it yourself. However, creating a website is more accessible to many users. This is because any questions or requests can be implemented by the person or party creating the website. And you do not have to take care of it yourself and do not need technical knowledge.

The cost of creating your own website is very different and depends mainly on how many pages you want. And that can start at 500 euros, for example, and go up to 5000 euros or more. Always research about the company that wants to create the website for you and check what content management system is behind it. This is important for your daily business. And also where they can be hosted.

A website for every budget

So at you can get started with a website and domain name registration for any budget. For less than a week of shopping, you already have your domain name and a hosting package for a year. So anyone can create a website, and with a little motivation you can learn a lot! Use our knowledge base to get started right after you place your order.