How much disk space does a website take up

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How much disk space does a website take up

A website can be made up of many different parts, but exactly how much disk space do you need when creating a website in hosting? We cover this in more detail in this article.

Websites are made up of a lot of different types of media, files and databases. In most cases, websites are created using a Content Management System such as WordPress, Joomla or Umbraco. The bare installations of these consist purely of files and some sample media such as images and logos used as demos.

Files end with .php, .css , .html and many other extensions. These are the different languages from which a website can be formatted. These files are generally only a few kb in size. Pictures and videos and databases can consume more. Let's take a closer look at how this works and what to look for when picking a hosting package.

The code files

Code files that a website is made up of will in almost all cases not take up that much disk space from a hosting package. To get a file larger than 1 mb, it will take thousands of lines of code to achieve this. Bare WordPress installations, for example, fully unpacked take up: 49.2 MB (51,676,719 bytes) of storage space. On top of this, your pages, images and so on take up a lot more space.

With the hosting packages of you have by default 25 gigabytes of disk space available. The bare website files will therefore only take up a minuscule percentage of that.

Database of your website

A database of a website generally does not take up much data with most websites. This is due to the fact that most of the text and links are stored in the database. With especially older websites or particularly large websites, a database will only often grow larger than a few megabytes. This is often due to the efficiency of a database.

Photos and other media

Now we come to the part where in 99.99% of the cases the most space is used. The media on a website. Over the years that you work on a website, you can put a large number of images and videos on a website. This often includes large files that can take away disk space faster. However, you must remember that with 25 Gigabytes you have a large storage space at your disposal. This gives you more than enough space to host a website. If you need more space you can always order extra.

A handy way to keep the storage space under control is to compress the images. This is not only better for your storage space but also for the performance and speed of a website. Pictures of 1 mb cause long waiting times before a website loads on mobile devices, for example. Read the article on compressing images on the web to get the most out of this.

A concrete example of two different WordPress websites

It is of course nice to have an idea of how much space a WordPress website takes up. The following websites are over a year old and differ in storage space used. With one website boasting over 90 blog posts and the other around 40 posts.

How much disk space does a website take up
How much disk space does a website take up

So you can see that even websites that have many thousands of files do not even exceed 1 gigabyte. This of course varies greatly from one website to another. But it gives you an idea of how much space a WordPress website can take up in the hosting space. If you use many videos on your website this can be a lot larger. However, videos can always be hosted externally on for example YouTube. Read more about that in the dedicated article.

Do you also want to know how much disk space your website uses in hosting? Look in the control panel or view the files via an FTP client such as FileZilla. And make a backup right away if you have it open anyway!

Storage space for email

Since we at do not make a distinction in and collect all services under 1 25 gigabyte you share this space with the email accounts you create on the hosting space. A typical mail account that is used for receiving newsletters, contact with customers and suppliers can easily go years ahead with an account of 5 gigabytes. Provided you clean out the trash once in a while. Within our Webmail which is made possible by Smartermail you can easily see how much space an email account occupies.

Go through the webmail to the settings to see this:

How much disk space does a website take up

As you can see in this article it is not that bad how much disk space you use for hosting a website. And with our hosting packages you can generally go for years before you need to think about cleaning up old data or moving to a larger package.

That makes a partner for hosting your website! For a competitive price a very favorable hosting package.