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Green web hosting for your website

Green web hosting for your website

Green web hosting for your website

When you set up a start-up or your own company, it is often a goal to be labeled 'green' and to show your customers that you are taking certain measures to achieve this. MijnHostingPartner.nl is your hosting partner for green web hosting. In this blog post, we look at the steps we take to achieve this and how you can think green in your own company!

The green hosting of MijnHostingPartner.nl

MijnHostingPartner.nl has been committed to green hosting since its launch in 2011 and takes the following measures to ensure that our hosting is green. MijnHostingPartner.nl has been offering green hosting since 2011, with servers powered by energy-efficient equipment and green electricity.

The servers are hosted at Telecity, a data center known worldwide for its green IT initiatives. Offsetting and green energy: MijnHostingPartner.nl offsets the CO2 emissions of websites through green energy (e.g. wind energy) and tree planting in collaboration with The Green Web Foundation.

We use both methods to reduce our environmental impact. Benefits for website owners: Green hosting supports the environment and creates a positive image among consumers, which can lead to more customers.

Studies show that 60% of consumers consider it important that a webshop uses green energy to provide its services. The costs of green hosting are comparable to those of traditional (gray) hosting. Sometimes it can even be cheaper because it attracts environmentally conscious customers.

Measures you can take yourself to stay green

Green hosting is, of course, an initiative that mainly takes place in the background and that we take care of for you as a hosting partner. But as a company, it is also important to pay the necessary attention to this in your own way of working. You can take the following points into account to ensure that your company is one step ahead in terms of the environment as well as green hosting.

Reduce your energy consumption

Reducing energy consumption not only has a positive impact on your electricity bill, but can also make consumers more likely to choose your company to do business with. You can reduce energy consumption in your office building by replacing the lighting in your office with LED lighting, for example. Replace power-hungry equipment such as the in-house server and outdated computers and switch to energy-efficient processes. For example, by reducing the heating during the hours when the office building is unoccupied.

Promote a paperless office

Paper can be almost completely replaced by the use of email, note-taking and collaboration software. This is not only easier to manage, but also ensures that a notepad does not have to be used for every note.

Collaborating with notes and emails can also provide a productivity boost as you can access them anytime, anywhere, and in software like Trello, multiple people can easily collaborate on them. A key point of this action point is also switching to electronic invoicing, i.e. sending invoices by email instead of post. This can soon significantly reduce your overall paper and postage costs, which can only benefit your company, as electronic invoice packages are also many times more efficient than handwritten receipts. Storing these receipts also saves you a lot less work, as many things can already be set up automatically.

Opt for sustainable transportation options

Shipping and delivery of services can often become a nice cost factor that also has an impact on the environment. Consider switching to e-bikes or regular bikes for local services. Instead of a large public bus. And consider switching existing gasoline and diesel suppliers to electric cars. This is obviously not an option for every service, but could make a significant difference for many small and local service providers.

Invest in renewable energy

You can also ensure that you yourself contribute to the generation of green electricity in your office building or workplace, for example by installing solar panels on the roof. And opt for green electricity from your energy supplier.

Environmentally friendly office and business equipment

When providing your services, products or services, you can also choose to use environmentally friendly products. For example, choose to reduce the use of plastic products and switch to more environmentally friendly products.

Even something as simple as switching to acceptable coffee cups and glasses in your office can save you thousands of disposable cups and more waste every year. Not only does this make for a nicer drink, but also less waste that has only been used once.

Reduce your digital footprint

Optimize your website: By optimizing your website and files (e.g. through compression and caching), you can not only make your website faster for your visitors, but also ensure a lower load on the servers. This means that resources can be used more efficiently.

For example, less power is required on an annual basis. Manage data efficiency: delete unused files, delete unnecessary data and use MijnHostingPartner.nl's hosting for CO2-neutral operation.

Sustainable procurement

Responsible suppliers: Work with suppliers who are committed to sustainability.

Pay attention to their production chains and certifications, such as Fair Trade or Rainforest Alliance. Buy locally: Buying locally shortens transportation distances, resulting in less CO2 emissions. In addition, many consumers are fed up with the constant supply of products from China or other distant countries.

Local products and services contribute to the local economy and do not have to be transported many thousands of kilometers. What steps are you taking to go green in your business? Or have we missed any tips? Let us know via social media!