Are you on vacation? Do a vacation check for your website!

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Are you on vacation? Do a vacation check for your website!

The 2023 vacation season is upon us again and many and many people will end the summer with a vacation. As a website owner, however, this can be a stressful time of uncertainty and there's a good chance you'll need to take your laptop with you for emergencies. Emergencies. In this blog post, however, we'll explain what you can do to make sure your laptop stays close to you as much as possible!

Check that there is no threat of an extension

It's a good idea to check that there is no renewal renewal of your package or domain is pending, as this could result in your This could result in your package being suspended and, in the worst case, your domain name being quarantined. Quarantine. Therefore, check the Customer Panel when the next renewal is due and plan accordingly. You can also activate direct debit with us, so you don't have to not have to worry.

In addition to our services, you can also purchase licenses and other that will ensure that your website always runs optimally, Also check with third-party providers to make sure that nothing happens during your vacation season.

Check for updates and security

There are two considerations in terms of important Updates to make before your vacation. Either You make sure some important updates are installed before you go on vacation leave. Or you are still working with the old version until you get back. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

For example, after a major update to WordPress, it is always followed a few days after by a smaller version update that fixes bugs and other Other things. You just have to be there to implement this update. If you can do this in a timely manner, it is often preferable, since older versions can also be security-relevant. In terms of security.

Back up your website and database

A backup is important in any case, but but before the vacation, this takes on an even more important role. Make sure that you have both your website's data and the database that lies behind it. And then make sure that this backup is in 3 places. 1 for example in the data folder of your hosting space . 1 at a cloud service or external storage location. And 1 on your laptop that you take with you on vacation.

In the unlikely event that something happens during your vacation, you can can always intervene and restore your site to its pre-vacation state.

Schedule work to be published during the vacations.

This is especially true if you have a website with content, but scheduling pages, posts, or social media content can ensure make sure you keep the work up while you're away. And, for example. Your interaction or freshness doesn't decrease while you're away. Most Content Management Systems offer the ability to publish your content at a later time or schedule it To publish or schedule at a later date. In WordPress , this is very easy to do under the Publishing options, for example:

Are you on vacation? Do a vacation check for your website!

The same is true for many social media platforms, and can be so you can use it to continue publishing fresh content in your absence. As you can ask a colleague to keep an eye on it and answer a few questions this can be a seamless solution.

Set up an out of office notification for your email address

Setting up an out of office notification on your email address is of is important so that your customers who want to contact you know where they are. That way, they know right away that you won't be responding for a while. You can You can do this directly through our mail hosting in webmail, under settings and then on autoresponder On Autoresponder. Here you will see the option to reply within your domain, or to everyone. By default, autoresponders are only sent once per day to a user.

Placement of a banner on your website and/or notification on social media.

In addition, in the case of a web store or other direct service on your website to indicate that you are on vacation, and Orders or other requests may therefore take a little longer than usual. If you do this indicate the date of your absence, and make sure that everyone sees this before an order is placed, for example. This way, you'll be ahead of any frustration.

Are you ready to go on vacation yet? What arrangements have you all made? Let us know via social media!