Advertise via Google Ads

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Advertise via Google Ads

There are many different methods to direct visitors to your brand new website. Google Ads or advertising on both the search engine and Google's display network can be a great way to drive traffic to the site quickly and effectively. Targeted traffic can be brought in for as little as a small amount per month. Below are some tips on how to make this happen for your website.

Every website depends on the visitors that visit it and how they interact with your website. It doesn't matter if a website wants to sell products directly, if your business website offers services or if it's just to get more projects for your freelance portfolio. Advertising with Google Ads can be a huge advantage in this regard, as the traffic can be incredibly targeted. You advertise with keywords or terms that match the intent to buy or your services. With these words, a visitor may already be ready with their wallet to buy the service or product. This can be one of the biggest advantages of online advertising. And they are difficult to replicate via traditional advertising methods such as radio, television or billboards.

Google search network

It is impossible to imagine everyday life without the Google search network, it has become a verb for a reason. Very many users don't even enter the URL of a website directly anymore, but instead go to Google first to find the website they may have visited several times. In almost all reports, you will find that the name of your company is one of the most frequently used terms to get to the website.

So, the search for a website, a service, a product or simply for information is done through Google. Google is not the only search engine in the world, of course, but it is the biggest. After the triumph of Google Chrome as the most important Internet browser, it is even more intertwined with the use of the Internet. And search engines like Bing, DuckDuckGo or Brave are just small numbers compared to Google's numbers.

You will always get a suggestion list that you can customize according to your needs. It depends on the topics how much you pay per click on an ad. This can range from a few cents to 10 euros or more per click for certain valuable terms. So, take a look at what the approximate cost of Google Ads will be and choose what best fits your budget. You can learn more about what to choose below.

Search for keywords to target

To find keywords that you can use for your ads, you can look in the Keyword Planner or directly in Google Ads to see what you are interested in. The more results you get, the more suggestions Google Ads will provide for you to use. You can enter keywords and terms yourself. For example, if you notice that a certain term or page has already achieved good results with that keyword, you can add it to the list.

Longer keywords are usually a bit more advantageous to advertise on, and often have more relevance for you to focus on. You'll pay a little more and get fewer visitors for a broad term like "skating" than you would for a term like "field hockey skates for beginners." So it's often a matter of experimenting and seeing what works and what is less well received.

Google Display Network

The Google Display Network is another large network that is separate from, but often works in conjunction with, the Search Network. The Display Network is shown on a large number of websites that use Google AdSense for their ads. And some other partners are also involved. Your ad is then displayed on relevant websites that visitors land on or that are linked to the visitor's interests.

Websites that show your ads

The websites where your ads appear can also be specified and even excluded for certain websites. For example, if you want to run a business ad for a sensitive area, it cannot be displayed on gambling websites or other adult topics. You can force or allow this within Google Ads.

Google Shopping results for online stores

Google Shopping results are also something you can study or try for your web store. Within Google Shopping, you can make your products directly visible in the search results. This can therefore be ideal for web stores to advertise in a quick way and give the opportunity to make a purchase directly through the relevant search terms.

Are you already using Google Ads to promote your website? Let us know via social media!