30 years NL domain

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30 years NL domain

Internet and the .nl domain extension

30 years NL domain

30 years ago, Piet Beertema registered the first .NL domain name. Since then, ~ 5.7 million .NL domains have been registered in 2017. MijnHostingPartner.nl is proud to be an official registrar with SIDN, and with our Dutch webhosting be a part of companies and businesses that all use the Dutch domain extension.

Piet Beertema is in well-deserved retirement after registering about 700 domain names per month by hand until the later hours of the night. What is now an automatic process that is executed by the system within seconds used to be a manual action that took a lot of time. Also, the domains were not yet registerable by individuals, you had to have a company and be registered at the KVK. Also, you could not register too general domain names, of course someone tried to register sex.nl. This was then rejected. However, this caused problems and it was finally decided to release it. After a few years, individuals were also allowed to register their own .NL domain name. Without these developments MijnHostingPartner.nl would most likely not exist! Nowadays it's hard to imagine a company without a website, whether it's the snack bar around the corner or the hairdresser. Everyone has a website. And with the development of popular website providers such as Wordpress web hosting , Joomla web hosting or our own Sitebuilder it is also possible for non-technical people to quickly set up a website.

Cost and Country Difference

The cost of a hosting plan is at MijnHostingPartner.nl already from 23.94 ex VAT per year with a Total Package. This includes your .NL domain registration and 25 GB of space for your website and mail. As a company without a website or business mail you are often not taken seriously. There are few companies in the Netherlands that use their Gmail or Hotmail address to mail to customers. In Belgium, they are a bit easier about this, even some large companies in Belgium still use their Hotmail address. In France they also have many .com domains, this would certainly not be the standard in the Netherlands.

Source: VPRO Guide