MijnHostingPartner has the fastest and best chat support More and more people in the online world are using a chat function. If you have been hosting with us for a while you know that we also use this feature. It is therefore important that you receive a quick response. If you don't get a quick answer people will start looking for an alternative. Hosting vergelijker investigated which hoster has the best chat support. They looked at the response speed and the quality of the answer. In this test
Last Friday the security company Saguine Security reported that nearly a thousand Magento web stores have been broken into. The malicious users have provided the web stores with a malicious piece of JavaScript. Thanks to this piece of JavaScript it was possible to intercept various payment details of customers. These include the full name credit card number address and phone number of the customer in question. How do I protect myself against this? If you are using hosting and Magento it is advisable
Registering your domain and hosting at MijnHostingPartner Having your own website for your company with the hosting to go with it is almost impossible to imagine today's world without it. People will find your company hard to find if you do not have your own website. With an own website comes of course an own domain name. The domain you need to register you can use different extensions such as .nl .be .eu or .com. In this blog post we will discuss how you can register a domain name and what hosting
Most will probably use a web browser other than Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. This is mainly due to the fact that Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are better alternatives. At MijnHostingPartner we are very enthusiastic about the Brave browser. Brave is a great advocate of privacy and it is also extremely fast. Now you're probably wondering if you should switch browsers in this blog post we are going to discuss the pros and cons of Brave so you can draw a conclusion. Advantages of Brave
Experienced WordPress users may already know a lot about this but the security of your admin environment is obviously very important. If you don't secure your admin area then malicious users can access it and change almost anything. In this blog post we are going to cover how to best secure your admin environment on your WordPress hosting. Some tips To start at the beginning we will start with the installation because it is important that you use a strong password. This applies to both your database
The speed of your website is one of the most important things there is because visitors of your website make a very quick decision whether they stay on your webpage or not. If your webpage takes a long time to load users will quickly leave your website to find the same services or information elsewhere. To keep the attention of your visitors there having a fast website is important. In this blog post we will discuss the benefits of a fast website and how you can make your website a lot faster.
Everyone knows the program Internet Explorer it is on your computer by default and you can easily access the Internet with it. Earlier this week Microsoft posted a blog post advising companies to stop using Internet Explorer. So in this blog post we will cover a bit of the history of Internet Explorer and why Microsoft advises against using it. For your Hosting it is still important that you test your website in every browser this includes Internet Explorer. The history of Internet Explorer Internet
If you are using commercial hosting then it is important that you can track how many visitors you have on your website. You can track this in different ways such as using Google Analytics but also Matomo. In this blog post we will discuss both. Google Analytics Google Analytics is probably the best known of all these tools and displays the statistics in a clear and easy way. Google Analytics is mainly meant to give the owner or administrator of the website a clear and concise picture of where the
If you are using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox then you probably already have an adblocker installed. This not only removes annoying advertisements but also blocks certain pop-ups. At we were already very enthusiastic about the Brave web browser but since we have heard this news we are even more motivated to use the Brave browser. What is the advantage of the Brave browser? The Brave browser is a free open source web browser that is made with the Chromium framework this