A website consists of many different pages and articles; in fact most websites consist of more than one page. In this collection of pages and different topics it is sometimes difficult not to see the forest for the trees. With a few technical steps and tools from Google itself you can see in detail what of your website has been indexed in the search engine. In this blog post let's take a look at how this works and how you can use it! Create or check sitemap.xml Many will already be familiar with
Website maintenance is one item on the to-do list that doesn't go off anytime soon and in fact always comes back. In fact maintenance is essential for your website to keep functioning load quickly and remain safe for use by your visitors. Websites that are not maintained are doomed to fall into oblivion and become unsafe to use. Let's take a look at what all is included in website maintenance. And how you can schedule it to make sure your website stays up and running. Let's get started! Maintenance
Creating a blog is the dream of many people. Maybe you have certain experiences you want to share about your favorite hobby work life or travels. There are many reasons to start a blog. You can set it up without any experience and maintain it for a small annual fee. In this blog post we'll take a look at how to start a blog and what all you need. Let's get started. Come up with a name for your blog The first step before starting your blog is to come up with a name since you can already use that
Your website visitors are a valuable asset because the whole point of websites is to share information with as many people as possible. Whether it's from your big business your latest freelance projects or providing information or content themselves. If you have your visitors maintaining a website is worth it. In this blog post we're going to look at how you can learn more from your visitors and how exactly you can track that. Tracking your website's statistics Website statistics can be tracked
Websites can be created for a variety of purposes but the right website layout can make the difference between a successful website and one that offers little else. With the right layout a visitor who comes to the site can easily request more information place an order right away or read more about a topic that interests them. Read all about it in this blog post on how to best design your website. What type of website are we talking about? Different websites also have different requirements for
There are many different methods to direct visitors to your brand new website. Google Ads or advertising on both the search engine and Google's display network can be a great way to drive traffic to the site quickly and effectively. Targeted traffic can be brought in for as little as a small amount per month. Below are some tips on how to make this happen for your website. Every website depends on the visitors that visit it and how they interact with your website. It doesn't matter if a website
Many a domain name on the market is still original in most cases and is registered brand new. However nowadays it is more and more common that a domain name has already been registered once as the market is getting bigger and bigger. This history can mean something positive but also something negative. This topic is still shrouded in many assessments personal opinions and different ways of thinking. In this blog we'll look at how you can find out the history of a domain name and what you should
A website can unexpectedly require some investment as a website is often made up of many different parts each with their own associated costs. From paying for the cost of advertising your website or business to maintaining the website itself to the cost of creating content. A website for a business that is just starting out a freelance website or a simple hobby project can therefore be quite costly. However with a few clever tricks and a little more homework you can save a lot of money. Let's take
On August 30 WordPress once again released its latest update this time a minor update from version 6.0.1 to 6.0.2. As a number of bug fixes and security updates have been made updating is highly recommended as always. Many WordPress users will have already received an automated email about this as WordPress core is automatically updated when it is current. In this blog post we will discuss the changes and explain what the update preview entails. WordPress is highly dependent on its updates like