register your own .nl domains

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register your own .nl domains

Would you like to start your own website? Then one of theone of the first steps you need to take is to register adomain name. Registering a domain name is fortunately not a difficulttask and can be done in no time.

Why choose a .nldomain?

Your domain name can be registered in differentregisters. The register can be recognized by the part after the dotsuch as .com or .nl or .net and many more. If you want a Dutch websitewebsite and you have no intention of expanding your website to multiplemore languages, but you only want to target the Dutch, then it's best to This way, visitors will quickly see that it is a Dutch website.Moreover, .nl domains are also cheaper than a .com domain.

When choosing a domain name, it isimportant that it is appealing and easy to remember. That is why it is betterchoose a short domain name rather than a long one. Also choose a name thatfits the subject of your website, so it is quickly clear what yourwebsite is about.

The requirements of a domain name

You can't just register any domain nameyou want. Your domain name must meet a number ofrequirements. In addition, a domain name can only be registered once.

-A domain name may only contain letters, numbersand the minus sign in a domain name.

-The minus sign may only be placed betweentwo letters and/or numbers.

-A domain name must contain at least twocharacters and may contain a maximum of 63 characters.

-A domain name may not be inconsistentwith public order or morality.

Registering a .nl domain

.nl domains can be easily registered in a fewsteps. The Dutch .nl domains are issued by Stichting InternetDomain Registration Netherlands (SIDN). They are also called the registrycalled. A domain name can be registered through a registrar, which is aprovider affiliated with SIDN and authorized to register Dutchdomain names at SIDN.

Check whether your domain name is availableis

There are several registrars where you can register adomain name, such as . On thesewebsites you can also easily check whether your chosen domain nameis still available.

Register domain name

When the name is available you canusually put it in a shopping cart and checkout. You can register only thedomain name alone, but you can also choose a hosting or otherpackage. After payment, the domain name is registered in your name.

Register a .be domain

Registering .be domains is almostsimilar to registering .nl domains. The registry of .be domains isthe Belgian Association for Internet Domain Registration, also known as DNS Belgiumalso known as DNS Belgium. Also for a .be domain name, your domain name can be registered at an affiliated registrarregistered, such as . The ruleswhich .be domains must comply with are a bit different.

-A domain name must consist of at least 1character and may consist of up to 63 characters.

-A domain name may contain only letters,numbers and the minus sign.

-A domain name may not beginor end with a minus sign and the minus sign may not be in the 3rd or 4th

.be domains are not very popular. This is becausebecause in the past they could only be registered by companies and thedomain name had to match the company name. In addition, they were alsovery expensive. It was only in 2000 that the rules were relaxed, which is why more .be domains have been registered since then.that time more .be domains were registered. In 2010, it was only for the 2ndthe limit of 1 million registered .be domains was passed.

Hosting package

When you are going to register a domain nameyou can usually also choose a certain package. You can choose toregister only the domain name, but there are also other choices you canconsider.

For example, you can choose to register your domain nameregistration of your domain name also to choose an email package. This way you canreceive and forward e-mails from your domain name. Or would you like to create awebsite to expand your online business exposure? Then you can choosefor a web hosting package. You can choose between differentpackages.

The difference in the packages can be in the space it offers,the amount of data traffic it allows, the number of mailboxes and more.What all is offered depends on the provider you choose.Choose a package that fits the size of your business or desired websiteand that fits within your budget, because the more the package offers the more expensive itbecomes.

Transferring your domain

Would you like to move your domain name from one provider to another?provider to another? The provider where you want to move tooften have a special relocation service that allows you to easily move your domain to them.

When moving your domain, it isimportant that the domain name is in your own name, you can move thetransfer by someone else to perform. Make sure you are on timeterminate your current provider. Most have a notice period of 1 month,but some have a notice period of up to 3 months.

So cancel onin time, otherwise you will be stuck with your current provider for another year. To be able todomain name, you need to request a token from your current provider andand pass it on to the provider to whom you want to move your domain name.NOTE: Make sure you receive the token from your old provider, beforeyou definitively terminate.

Some providers do not provide this token themselves.token. If you cancel without requesting the token, the provider may terminate your domain name andprovider will terminate your domain name and you will lose your domain name. Theregain your domain name is in some cases still possible, but isvery expensive.

When you have completed the top steps,you can easily place an order with your new provider for thetransfer your domain name. During this order you need to enter the tokenthat you have requested from your old provider.