Multiple domain names for your website?

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Multiple domain names for your website?

Multiple domain names for your website?

If you have a website then you have probably considered buying multiple domain names.Of course there are costs involved, but is it worth it?At MijnHostingPartner we find these kind of details interesting so we decided to find out.

Advantages of multiple domain names

The first advantage you have here is that you are easier to find.This applies to both search engines such as Google or Bing but also through web browsers.You can then be found more easily because, for example, a spelling error is made that your visitors still arrive at your website.Besides that you also have the possibility to take international domains.Think of multiple domain extensions such as .nl, .com, .be and so on.Another big advantage is that you can also prevent your competitors from claiming a domain name that is similar to yours!

Disadvantages of multiple domain names

Having multiple domain names also has its disadvantages, of course.One of these is that there are obviously more costs involved and this is perhaps something you want to avoid as a start-up.It not only costs more money to host the domain names but also more time.The reason for this is that if you have multiple domain names that you have to maintain them all.If you are using a Content Management System you will have to do every update for the theme and your plugins manually and thus can become very time consuming.Also it has no effect on your search engine optimization.If you have multiple domain names you may be found faster with a spelling mistake but this will not affect each individual domain.Even if you later decide to switch to a domain this may have disadvantages because everything must then be merged.This of course must be done correctly and will cost a lot of time and possibly money.This summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of multiple domain names.If you have further questions about domain names you can always check if a chat is available.If no one is on the live chat you can always send a ticket to our helpdesk.