WordPress considers automatically updating old versions

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WordPress considers automatically updating old versions

WordPress is a Content Management System that needs to be updated regularly. Many of these updates are security updates so it is important that you perform these.It is also possible that you have an old WordPress version on your hosting, if this is the case you should update it as soon as possible.
Outdated WordPress versions are very often the target of malicious users.Before you update your WordPress you obviously need to make a backup

What does this mean exactly?

The reason WordPress is considering automatic updates is because many websites are still running on an old insecure version.Website administrators would be warned in advance via a message. This gives them time to perform the update manually.

The updates will also be carried out on a small scale so that it can be checked whether the website still works afterwards.The intention is that the websites will go up one version at a time to see if they still work after this. They want to ensure that older WordPress websites can be run safely.

This has obviously caused many different reactions among WordPress users.The users are worried that this will destroy their website. According to a WordPress developer, the risk of this is much smaller than being hacked via a security breach. This is why we we almost always recommend to keep everything as up to date as possible.You do not want a malicious user to take over your website. take over your website.

Update WordPress

If you want to update WordPress automatically at mijnhostingpartner.nl you can do so through Managed Wordpress hosting.This not only updates WordPress itself but also your plugins and the theme that you have installed.
This way you don't have to spend time on checking and manually updating your plugins.

You can then worry about important things like building your website.
You also have the advantage that automatic backups are made of your website.If something goes wrong you can restore it within seconds.

If you have any further questions you can always check whether a chat employee is available.If no one is on the chat then you can create a ticket to our helpdesk.