Website targets for 2022

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Website targets for 2022

Every website or business does have its points of interest for another year, as many make up new year's resolutions, you can also make a list for your website or online presence! Let's cover a few points and how you can get started in the new year.

A website often takes a lot of time and work to get off the ground, as there is a lot of content needed on the website. Whether this is in the form of images, text or external sources. There should be promoted and networked, and so on. A website is often more work than you might expect. But it's also a tool that gives you access to millions of people and the right way to get highly targeted traffic to visit your webshop, book your event or services, visit a restaurant, or drop by your store. With a website you can have many goals, but 1 thing is often the case. And that is the number of visitors on the website. More visitors means more chance of sales and all the above mentioned goals. Let's see how you can tackle this.

More website visitors in 2022

With more website visitors you can achieve more, it's that simple, in the ideal world all 100 visitors on your website would convert. In other words, all 100 visitors on your website convert, (purchase, click on an ad, signup to an email list etc.) The reality is different, therefore you do not only have enough with your existing visitors or a number. But it is also necessary to get new people to your website. And to have your landing pages in order. Whether this is your homepage, a separate product category or dedicated page for that one action.

Website targets for 2022

More website visitors is the topic of many different sources, this can be achieved in many different ways, which we will discuss later in this article. To measure how many visitors come from where, and to which pages you can use a statistical tool like Google Analytics or Microsoft Clarity. Here you can see exactly where your visitors land and how they interact with your website.

More website visitors is often the goal of many webmasters, but what if you're already attracting enough people but you're not seeing the desired results? Then it's time to start optimising and performing A B tests. This is also a science that requires years of experience and experimentation. However, you can start doing this if you have more than 5000 visitors per variation on a website. Less than this often doesn't give you enough data points. So 5000 visitors for example in one month on the first page, and 5000 visitors on page two where you use for example another call to action. In these tests you can learn more about how visitors experience your content or website, and how they interact with it. This can teach you a lot about internet marketing in general, and how your content or niche fits in. Every niche or other focus doesn't have exactly the same numbers.

Advertising, more networking or focus on content?

To determine your strategy in 2022 it is equally important to look back at the previous years. What worked, what didn't and where can you improve your content or general skills? Or of course invite an extra team member who is more knowledgeable. With social media, advertising on different ad networks or content you can all bring in a lot of visitors. Within social media, it may be that you have to work more visually, ads can be used more on popular keywords, or more on less search volume but more conversions. And content can be expanded with blog posts, YouTube videos or pages. The possibilities here are also exceptionally great. Using different channels and multiple pages or articles to get traffic is the safest way to do this. If one of them falls away then not everything will evaporate before the sun. And you can always rely on multiple sources.

Networking was and will be an important item in 2022, with contacts to companies and other people in the field you can make sure that your website or company will be more visible. Whether this is in the form of a backlink on another website, a mention or appearance in a podcast, or a simple name in a YouTube video. It can just cause an influx of traffic to your website. Especially with backlink scoring, it's more important than ever to first make those personal connections with prominent figures or authors. Since every email address that is mentioned on a website is flooded with requests for backlinks, posts and more.

Website re-design or improvements

2022 can also be the year that you finally redesign your website, move it or make further improvements. Like translating a Dutch website to English for a new .com domain name. Making a re-design for your most used tool and so on. This all sounds familiar to me, as there are a few things on my to do list as well. The new year can be used for this. After the Christmas holidays and all the other days off you often have more energy to do this and for many websites it's also the cucumber time. All holidays are over by then and the big purchases have already been made.

Whether you want to install a different theme for your WordPress website, switch to super fast SSD hosting or even take more drastic steps like switching Content Management Systems. This is often the time to start realizing this. For example, if your website is still not suitable for mobile devices, or if you want to increase the speed of your website. Then you can always come online with us on the chat. We'll be happy to give you advice on how to make your website and business score higher. Climb up together with your partner in Hosting,