Track SEO trends

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Track SEO trends

SEO trends are often terms that are very popular to search for a certain period, some of these trends remain. But there are also search terms that disappear after a while. For example with the rise of hobby drones this first grew explosively, and then levelled off. And a good example is a fidget spinner which was once the talk of the day, and now has fallen into oblivion. These trends can often be used to attract more organic traffic for a period of time. Let's discuss this in this blog post.

A trend is nothing new of course, since the beginning of time there has been some latest gadget, development or news that everyone needs to know about. However, with today's world, this can happen at lightning speed and with search engines like Google, Bing and DuckDuckGO, information is available much faster and more extensively than any other time in the past. The trick is to come out on top of these searches so that visitors go to your website hosting. SEO trends can be tracked in a number of different ways. The most obvious one is to go into the lion's den. And look directly at Google Trends to see what is being searched for. This can be by month or even over the past five years.

You can also enter your own topics next to the trending topics. For example, if you want to know how many people search for boat rental in Sneek, you can enter this and see how many people search for it over the years. In this example we see that this is a seasonal search, in the summer it's at it's peak, and in the winter nobody searches for it. That is also an SEO trend, certain search terms peak in certain periods of the year, but remain stable over the years.

SEO trends periodically

Other trends are of course less sensitive to this, but the example here is also valid for the season. There are many other SEO trends that are seasonal or even have a limited shelf life. Let's look at some other examples via Google Trends.

Track SEO trends

The vaccine for Covid is obviously a loaded topic, with people divided over this. We'll leave this aside for now since we're obviously interested in the SEO trends of this. We see that when the first batches were shipped and used the popularity increased for this search trend. And now that the majority of the loads have been shipped and used the interest in this is decreasing again. It could be that next year the interest in this will be completely forgotten, or it could actually increase again. Writing content for medical articles like this are very restricted by Google to rank for this, and only medically substantiated with the right sources is a chance to rank in the search results.

With other topics like the Olympics, this will get the most searches when they are on. And as you can see in the meantime the popularity decreases, only to increase when the first news articles about it appear. So you have more of such activities, sports and other trending SEO trends that periodically increase in popularity. And thus might be an interesting choice to write and focus content on. Since this can be a long time lying still.

SEO trends in Google Trends and other sources

SEO trends are good to keep track of in Google Trends, here you can quickly see if there is interest in a topic. And whether it is worth the time and effort. When you are looking for a subject that is just about to explode as it is called. Then you can also take a look at other tools and sites like aHrefs, explodingtopics and other SEO tools. Often you have a look around here at what is trending within your branch. What is the best choice to focus on with your website web hosting is of course always the question. And sometimes it's best to take a gamble. Who knows what kind of fruit this will produce.

Do you want help with such SEO issues? Then we also have our subsidiary which can help you to use SEO trends to get more organic traffic with top positions in the search engines. We help you with the strategy, the execution and the analysis of the results. Take a look at our SEO work.