The basis of website optimization

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The basis of website optimization

Optimizing a website can be understood in many ways. Whether you want to optimize the website for customers and user experience. From a marketing standpoint with conversion rates, or if you want to work on improving the speed of a website. Let's take a look at what can be improved about a website once it's been online for a while.

With a website, you can never stand still after you have completed it. A website always needs maintenance, in the form of security updates and the release of new content. Even if it's just a new product or a new address that needs to be entered. If you want a website to be more than just an online business card, you need to put more work into it. In this article, we'll briefly go over the improvements that can be made to a website and how they can be optimized.

Improving the user experience

The user experience of your visitors is very important, not only for the users themselves, but also for your position in the search engines. If your website is not user-friendly, contains spelling mistakes or is worded unprofessionally. On the other hand, if many users leave the website after a few seconds, it is a sign that work needs to be done on optimizing the user experience on a website.

So, user experience is an important part of optimization, and if you want to improve website performance, this is one of the first items on the agenda. To this end, you should look at a number of points and items that a user uses most often. For example, hire an outsider to visit your site with a notepad and instructions to note what needs improvement. Another important tool is Microsoft Clarity. It contains a variety of metrics that you can use to measure user experience. You can use Clarity to see what a single session looks like. By means of a full recording of the session, which can be viewed as a video.

Through this optimization you can make certain changes. such as placing your menu in a different location. provide a better layout or navigation. Or structure the layout of a page differently. This aspect is a science of its own, and there are many people who do this just as a profession. As a budding webmaster, you can do small or large experiments here. Just keep the old layout handy if you want to go back quickly.

Improving website speed

Improving website speed is mentioned everywhere and a lot of attention is paid to it. To some extent, this is also a component that Google takes into account. Speed, and especially suitability for mobile devices or screens, is an important component that a large portion of your website visitors use. Therefore, pay attention to your mobile users' data and how they interact with your website. To optimize this, often increase the size of buttons, make text easier to read, and change certain menus and layouts to a simpler display.

The speed of a website depends on many factors, one of which is of course the hosting package and the server it is hosted on. Is the hosting package and the server on which this website is running. A website at can belong in several packages, if you want to discuss this you can come to us on the chat. The main rule is that a website built with WordPress belongs in a Total SSD package, and a website with .NET belongs in one of the .NET Core packages. In addition, a website can be sped up by caching on the server and at the website level. To make the most of it, take a look at our knowledge base, or come back to chat. We'd love to help you speed up your website!

Conversion optimization

Conversions are a desired action that a visitor takes on your website. Whether it's in the form of a purchase, clicking on an ad, or signing up for your newsletter. With a conversion, you achieve a goal you set for the website. This can vary, but the more conversions you have, the better off you are. With a website, you can use Google Analytics to create and track conversion actions. Often this is done on a monthly or weekly basis in a report that is then included in the weekly meetings.

Conversion optimization is therefore important to make the website more profitable, for example by styling it in a certain way. By changing your homepage or order page. A change in your packages or services. Or applying a different purchase price. This is a profession in its own right, and large companies often have a dedicated team for it. Smaller companies have to be more flexible or bring in an external party. At we have the tools to help you with this type of problem as well. With our SEO packages and websites it is easy to see the improvement and make changes yourself. Contact us now to see what we can do for your business and website.