Organic visitors at the start of your website

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Organic visitors at the start of your website

Once your website is online and you have written quite a bit of content, you want to attract organic visitors. Organic visitors are website visitors who come to your website through organic search results. And you don't have to pay for them per click like you do with an ad. However, it may take you a while to get visitors from the search engines. Let's take a look at some of the reasons why and what you need to keep in mind.

Organic traffic is the goal of many webmasters to get as many visitors as possible to the right landing pages. You don't pay per click for this, and it can deliver targeted traffic that is on its way to a conversion. It also allows you to target terms that don't immediately show up in ads or don't make sense, but could be the topic of an article or blog post. With SEO or search engine optimization, you can take advantage of many opportunities that you might not with an ad within the Google search network or beyond. Let's take a look at how this works in the beginning of a website. And what kind of traffic you can expect in the first month of a website, and what it should look like after that.

First month, no or little traffic

In the first month of website hosting, you will get little to no traffic from Google. This is often because you don't have much on your website yet, and there's no reason for it to be indexed and displayed right away. Also, if Google allows new websites to rank immediately on the first few pages, this will also be very SPAM sensitive. Therefore, it is accepted by many that new websites initially take a while to get indexed by Google and are often only visited by Google and other search engines after 3 to 6 months. So it is a marathon and not a sprint.

When you launch a website, you often focus on the website design and the first few pages first. About us, the home page and other core pages that are often taken for granted. The other pages or articles that are written are often not ready yet. Therefore, they will not appear on the website yet. Every website needs content and can benefit greatly from a blog or article on a particular topic. Instead of trying to rank for the keyword"skating", you can create several smaller blog posts or pages that focus on the following longer keywords. Staying with the skating example,"best skates for natural ice" or"buy skates in Almere". With these keywords, a new website has a greater chance of ranking faster than with short, highly competitive keywords. They can therefore be used to increase organic traffic for start-up websites.

Upward trend over the months

Everyone wants to see an upward trend in a website's organic traffic. That's why it's important to publish content regularly and research the keywords that best match it. And which also have enough visitors to make it worth writing for. That's the hard part. can help you with that, with our services we can help you get higher in Google. To do this, we will work with you to examine the pitfalls and success points of your website and develop a strategy and possibly the content you want to rank for. Contact us now with no obligation to take your website and business to new heights!

An upward trend as the months go by and content grows is to be expected, but at what frequency this happens is hard to say. It varies from website to website and niche to niche. Often not much happens in the first three months. See, for example, the growth figures for the first four months in terms of total organic visitors to two informational websites:

Organic visitors at the start of your website

You don't need to pop the champagne corks in the first four months, but you will see a cautious increase in traffic from Google and other search engines. What may also be interesting is the amount of content that was on both sites: 25 articles on the first site and 10 on the second. This page is outside of the regular pages like Home and About Us. So you can get an idea of what to expect in the first few months. And as you can tune this, don't take into account that your numbers will look exactly the same. It depends on the content and many other factors.

How much organic traffic did you have with your website in the first few months? Share it with us on social media!