New layout for
Most of you will have noticed by now, we have a new layout for our website! This is always the result of months of work and testing, and we're excited to finally unveil it. In this blog post, we want to take a quick look at what has changed and how you can get started.
Modern and fresh layout
The first thing you'll notice is the new color scheme, with which we've tried to create an easy-to-read contrast. You'll notice changes throughout the site, and things like the menu, the overview in the customer panel and other pages all have a slightly different look. If you log in to the customer panel, you'll notice that the core layout and functionality has remained the same, just that more has been added, and that looks a bit different than before. launched
In other big news, we have also launched our new partner! They offer Linux hosting at a very competitive price. These servers are therefore different from our regular servers at and other partners. These run on Microsoft IIS.'s servers are completely independent and are supported by Linux. A customer request that has been on our list for a long time and which we can now realize.
We invite you to take a look at the website and of course to order a Linux hosting package for your next project, e.g. in Node.JS or Python!
Knowledge base reorganized
For this update, we have also reworked our extensive knowledge base and tried to make it clearer and easier to navigate. So that you can find the answer as quickly as possible. We have moved from a list view of articles to a block view per article. And we have added navigation in the right-hand menu as soon as you are in a subcategory. This way you can easily switch back to another menu item. Without having to navigate all the way back first.
In addition, outdated articles are now linked to the latest version or a new way of working with a function that we can call up. So as soon as you first land on an older article from us, you can navigate directly to the latest version of the article with one click. We have decided not to completely remove outdated articles, such as older Outlook versions, so that they are still available as a reference for both customers and Google visitors.
Customer panel with more functionality
The customer panel has also been given more functionality again; we continue to add small elements throughout the year. But with this major update to the new layout and the customer panel, a lot has been added. For example, it is now possible to delete the mail domain via the customer panel, which was previously only possible via the control panel. As many people already know, the control panel is gradually being phased out and all functions are being moved to the customer panel. For a large proportion of our customers, it will no longer be necessary to log into the Control Panel to achieve their goals. Only for resellers and .NET hosting users will this still be necessary for some time.
MariaDB version 11 added
MariaDB version 11 has also recently been made available on our new MariaDB server 004. The latest stable version of MariaDB is now possible on this server and can therefore be used by everyone to work with the latest version of MariaDB. You can easily create these via the customer panel under the heading MariaDB11.
We hope that you are satisfied with all the changes and would of course be delighted to receive your feedback! If you still come across an error, you can also report it to us in the customer panel under My tickets. We will then do our best to fix the error as quickly as possible.