Microsoft and Facebook new undersea data line
Microsoft and Facebook new undersea data lineGood
news for people in southern Europe and America, Microsoft and Facebook have jointly built a new data line between the two points.This gives many benefits for connectivity for the entire world. The cable which has been named Marea goes from Virginia Beach in Virginia, America to Bilbao, Spain and connects the two points. The length of the undersea cable is rounded off at 6450 km and lies partly buried along the coast and partly simply on the seabed to a depth of 3350 meters.It is the first time that a line from America connects directly to southern Europe. They do this to improve the connectivity of all online services such as cloud and communications. For example, Marea allows you to watch 71 million High-Definition videos simultaneously over the cable. It can transmit a total of 160 terabits of data per second. That’s comparable to the average modem at home but 16 million times faster. This speed, according to Facebook and Microsoft, is also necessary for the current demand for data consumption and future requirements.
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