Joomla voted best free CMS

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Joomla voted best free CMS

Joomla voted best free CMS

Choosing a CMS is not always easy, as you have a lot of choices when choosing a CMS.This year Joomla has been chosen as the best free CMS for you Hosting.
For us this was quite striking news since WordPress Hosting
is used the most.In fact, 30 Percent of websites run on WordPress.We have therefore decided to go through the pros and cons of Joomla in this blog post.

Joomla or WordPress?

One of the biggest advantages of Joomla over WordPress is that it is a lot more secure.WordPress websites are in fact often the target of hackers and attacks.Because of this, WordPress also has much more frequent updates that improve the security of the system.The big advantage of this is that Joomla does not need to be updated as often and your website is a lot safer.

One disadvantage of Joomla is that it is much more difficult for beginners to use than WordPress.WordPress is a lot clearer than Joomla, which makes it easier for a novice user.WordPress is also not only suitable for beginners but also for experienced users.

Because about 30 percent of all websites are made in WordPress it is much easier to get help.This can help beginners not only through more difficult problems but also to give them a good start.

Which CMS should I choose?

This is a question for which there is really no right or wrong answer.The reason is that it mainly depends on what exactly you want to do with your website.If you plan to use your Hosting for a blog then it is recommended to use WordPress for this.

If you choose security then it is advisable to choose Joomla, this CMS is a lot safer than WordPress.
If you have questions about WordPress or Joomla you can always see if there is a chat available.If there is no one on the chat, you can always create a ticket towards our helpdesk.