Google wants to hide https and www in address bar

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Google wants to hide https and www in address bar

As a user it is nice to know if the website you are visiting has an SSL certificate.Generally, you can see this by looking at the lock in the address bar. It can also be seen in the link, if it says https:// then you know you're on a website with an SSL certificate.
Now Google has announced their intention to remove https and www from the address bar.This should make it easier for the user to read urls.

Will this affect me?

If you are not a user of Google Chrome then fortunately this will not affect you.If you do use Google Chrome then you will have to pay close attention to whether a website still has an SSL certificate.You will be able to recognize this by the lock icon in the address bar.

In the year 2019 it is important that you have an SSL certificate on your hosting.You give your visitors or customers the opportunity to use a secure connection to visit your website.This awakens a sense of confidence in most customers or visitors.

What else can I do to secure my site?

Of course it is also important to secure the rest of your website, you can do this in different ways.One of the most important things you can do is make backups.If it does go wrong then you can restore it within seconds.At MijnHostingPartner you can make backups in the following way: How do I make a backup?

It is also important that you have disabled the write permissions, because a malicious user can make use of this.You can easily turn this off in the control panel in the file manager.If you want to do this, go to your domain in the file manager, click on the lock icon next to the wwwroot folder.Then check the write permissions off, if you have followed this then the write permissions are off.

If you are using WordPress hosting it is recommended to remove plug-ins you do not use.If you turn them off then malicious users can still use them.

If you have any questions about this topic, you can always submit a ticket to our helpdesk.You can also see if our chat staff is available.