Google Chrome will block all misleading ads

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Google Chrome will block all misleading ads

Google Chrome will block all misleading ads

Ads, we all see them come along at some point and they can be quite annoying.There are also misleading ads, Google Chrome wants to block these kinds of ads starting with version 71.According to Google itself, more than half of all misleading ads are not blocked.

This is of course very annoying if you do not use an Adblocker.However, this does not only apply to ads, Chrome will also warn about unclear subscriptions.As an example they have given a web page where they ask for your phone number.You will then receive a message before you arrive at the web page that the page you are trying to visit may be asking for money.

Chrome 70

That Google Chrome has had a lot of security updates this year is no secret, they have been working on it this year to greatly improve the security of their web browser.Earlier they released an update that made websites without SSL certificates unsafe.
Chrome 70 is also releasing a security update that allows users to set permissions for extensions on a per website basis.For example, the users can set that it can only be done after pressing the icon of the extension.

They have also updated their Web Store with extensions, this way extensions with hidden code can no longer get on the Web Store.This applies not only to hidden code but also to code that is loaded somewhere else.They have done this to protect the user from Malware.

Security for your website

Of course the security of your web browser is not the only thing that is important.Your hosting is of course the most important.You need to keep your website safe for your users and visitors.
We also recommend everyone to buy a SSL Certificate.This ensures that your users have a secure connection to your website.

Besides the fact that your website is more secure, it also has the advantage that it gives a trusted feeling to your users and visitors.It also has the advantage that it helps you to get a higher Google ranking.If you have further questions about the security of your website you can always check if a chat employee is available.If there is no one on the chat, you can always send a ticket to our helpdesk.