FTP, what is it

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FTP, what is it

If you use our hosting then you will probably have come across it already.In this blog post we will cover FTP, one of the most commonly used methods to move files. We are going to explain in this blog post what exactly FTP is and how you can use it.

What is FTP

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol and it is a method used to send files from a client (local) to a server.At MijnHostingPartner it is so that if you use this method you can place your local files in your web environment.

You can use FTP in different ways, for example, you can do this through command lines.However, there are much easier ways to use it, for example using an FTP program such as Filezilla.You can easily set this up so you can get started within seconds.

FTP can also be used to download files, in some cases even faster than http.You are not only limited to small files, you can even download or upload larger files via FTP.It is also possible to use FTP to create folders and directories, so you can easily change the structure of your web environment to your own liking.

The security of FTP

Of course it is important to take into account the security of the connection when using FTP.FTP is known to have some security holes.
For example, FTP does not use encryption by default but it is possible to use SFTP.You can activate this by setting the encryption in Filezilla to: Requires explicit FTP over TLS.If you get an error message this is not yet implemented on the server you are using.

FTP at MijnHostingPartner.nl

If you want to place your files on your hosting through FTP then this is certainly possible with us.You must first log into the control panel.Then you press FTP accounts, here you can create a new FTP account, when you have created you can download a FTP program such as Filezilla.Then you can use the following data ftp://ftp.jouDomeinNaam.nl with port 21.After that change the logon type to normal and fill in the data that you have created in the control panel.When you have done all this you can use the FTP connection.

If you are curious about FTP you can read the article from Cloudwards.

If you have any further questions about FTP at MijnHostingPartner.nl and how you should use it you can always check if there is a chat available.If there is no one on the chat, you can always create a ticket to our helpdesk.