Brave Search new standard

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Brave Search new standard

Starting with the latest version of the popular internet browser Brave, the default search engine of this browser in the URL bar will be replaced by its own search engine. This of course has a big impact on the browser and has been around for a while, ever since it was revealed that they were working on their own privacy-friendly search engine. Let's take a closer look at what this search engine stands for and how it is built to be used.

Of course, a number of different search engine options have been around for a long time. Think of search engines like Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, and of course the giant Google. All of these search engines have a specific user base and all of them want to deliver the best search results to users who are looking for something. Be it a restaurant, a difference between a product, an introduction to a sport or the like. A search is done by anyone and for any question. Google has been the absolute king among users for a long time. This is thanks to the algorithm they employ to make search results as good as possible for the end user. At the expense of privacy in the eyes of Brave and others. So let's take a look at what makes the Brave search engine or Brave Search stand out and how you can use this new search engine.

The Brave Search Engine

The Brave search engine will be kept as the default in the new browser versions and will therefore be used much more when you make the switch. This will naturally allow more users to use the Brave search engine, which will in turn provide better search results in the long run. With more data and more users, any search engine can improve its results.

Brave Search respects your privacy as a user and ensures that your personal information and search behavior is not tracked, as is the case with search engines like Google. However, with Brave Search, this doesn't mean that you won't see ads at all, as is the case with all search engines. But these ads also don't use advanced tracking with the Brave browser, so you will be tracked by such ads in your email and on other websites.

Take advantage of Brave's new search engine easily by updating your browser on both Android and desktop to start using it right away. Also, read our earlier blog post where we go into more detail about what exactly is the difference between the search engine and the browser. And how you can use it with confidence for all your internet usage.

In the near future, we'll also be releasing a version of Brave that will allow you to not see ads at all for a fixed monthly fee. This will make it a completely ad-free experience for those who seek it out. This way, your data is no longer the product, you're just paying for the service. Just like the hosting of, where you can also use it for free.

Brave Search also allows you to participate in the Web Discovery Project and thus improve the search engine by voluntarily and anonymously submitting your search behavior. So the more people participate, the better the search results for everyone.

The monopoly

Google has long been the lord and master of all search; with its huge user base, there is a monopoly that is hard to break. Brave is one of the parties that would like to see this problem solved. What are your thoughts on this? Will this be the new search engine that attracts more and more users? Or will it fade into obscurity like many of its predecessors?

Personally, I think Brave has put together an interesting concept with its rewards program and many others already in place. And so I look forward to what the future holds. One thing is for sure: monopolies, like Google has, are often a negative phenomenon, and competition creates growth and alternatives. We'll see if the steps Brave has taken will be enough. And whether they can back up their words with action. Read the full source at Brave now:

And let us know what you think on social media!