Online security is becoming increasingly important not only for yourself but also in your own hosting space. What you need to pay more and more attention to on the internet nowadays is whether a webshop is legitimate or not. It is increasingly common that people are scammed on a rogue web shop. There are many different things to look out for before making a purchase online. In this blog post we will go through what exactly you should look for in an online shop. Customer experiences If you see an
Online security is becoming increasingly important not only for yourself but also in your own hosting space. What you need to pay more and more attention to on the internet nowadays is whether a webshop is legitimate or not. It is increasingly common that people are scammed on a rogue web shop. There are many different things to look out for before making a purchase online. In this blog post we will go through what exactly you should look for in an online shop. Customer experiences If you see an
Whether it's on your hosting or on your local PC malware is something you need to protect yourself against. This is because it can cause a lot of damage on both your computer and your website. In order to know how to prevent it it is also important to know exactly what it entails. In this blog post we're going to go over what different types of malware there are and what you can do to protect yourself from them. Ransomware Perhaps the most damaging of all is ransomware which completely denies access
If you have your own website with hosting you will probably find it important to be easily findable. For example you will then want to come out on top in the search results from Google. To get higher in the search engine you need to have a good Search Engine Optimization (SEO). In this post we will go through what Search Engine Optimization exactly is and how you can apply it to your website. What is SEO? First and foremost it is important to know what SEO is. SEO techniques make it possible for
If you are starting a business you might have already considered getting a domain name for your website. You will then also need your own hosting to run your website on. However it is first important that you register a domain name and you should beware of scams. Scams involving domain names are becoming increasingly common nowadays. Yesterday the SIDN published a Tweet saying that there is a so-called company called This company will approach you via email with the text that
As a web developer you have probably been asked by your clients if they could host their website with you. It could be that you don't offer this service to your customers yet but you are considering to do so. To start your own hosting you must of course take into account a number of things. For example one customer may have different hosting requirements than another. Because it can be quite difficult to start in this world we decided to give you some tips on how to get started. What exactly do
Most companies nowadays have their own website with accompanying hosting. If you have this chances are that you also use your own e-mail address. You can use this e-mail address not only to mail your customers or to send order confirmations. The mail is also an excellent way to advertise your store. You can do this by means of newsletters but there are also alternatives. It makes more sense to approach your customers personally through an email. In this blog post we will go through how you can
Nowadays extra security on your hosting website and e-mail for example is increasingly important. After all you don't want your services to be abused by malicious people. For this reason nowadays the use of 2 factor authentication is very important. This is activated as soon as you try to log in somewhere you get a push notification or a code on your phone. You then need to fill in the code further and after this you will be logged in. We have added 2 factor authentication in the most recent update
In our previous Blog post we talked about how WooCommerce websites were abused by a leak. Now earlier this week it was revealed that WordPress websites running the Onetone-Theme were targeted for attacks. This has to do with the fact that this theme is no longer updated by the developers. As a result the theme has therefore also been removed from the WordPress. In this attack it was possible for the attacker to install a backdoor around the website. From here they could retrieve the administrator
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