
Save space on your web hosting

Many people have a website that does not take up much space and therefore runs easily on a hosting server. However you may also have a website that takes up a lot of space and therefore may incur extra costs. In most cases this is undesirable and therefore you need to make sure that your website does not take up too much space. In this blog post we are going to go over what you can do to save space on your website. Maintenance In our previous blog posts we went through how important maintaining

What is a Content Management System

A CMS or Content Management System is a piece of software that makes it possible to manage the content of your website in an easy way. What else exactly can you do with it? And what kinds of Content Management Systems are there? We cover this in this blog post.With a Content Management System you make it possible for yourself to quickly create a website page or separate post in an easy way. Depending on the Content Management System it is a matter of writing the content in a visual way. As you may

WordPress through the years

WordPress is the most well-known content management system in use today. Over the years it has improved and become more elaborate making it easier to use on your hosting. Because it has changed and improved so much over the years we thought it would be interesting to take a look at how it has changed. In this blog post we are going to go through how WordPress has changed over the years. The beginning The foundation of WordPress itself begins in 2001 with a programmer named Michel Valdrighi. He

Common mistakes made within WordPress

Most people who are familiar with the world of hosting are familiar with WordPress. This is the most widely used CMS (content management system) that people use to put their websites together. One of the reasons for this is because this system is very easy to use and does not take much time. This makes it attractive to many people. However there are also things that you should avoid using it we are going to go through exactly what those things are in this blog post. What exactly is WordPress? Before

Starting a blog

To start a blog you don't need that much. A web hosting package a catchy domain name and you're good to go. However there is still some content to be added. We will explain this in more detail in this article. has a lot of customer blogs under its care.From blogs about book reviews to artists who keep a blog and people who blog about their passion. Often they do this as a creative outlet to share their thoughts. To share information they have discovered for themselves in their

NET Core update August 2020

.NET Core is the latest development framework for websites and web applications from Microsoft. Regular updates are released for the development framework at we make sure that you always have the latest stable updates with the .NET Core hosting packages. In this update we will discuss the latest updates that came out in August..NET Core security updateThe biggest item released in this update is a security update that closes a vulnerability from previous versions. Using an improperly

Tips for organizing your mailbox

If you use business hosting then you will definitely need mail. When you receive a lot of mail it can be that your mailbox becomes a chaos. Therefore you need to organize this where possible however this can be a difficult task. In this blog post we will go through how you can best organize your business mailbox. Mark important mails The sender can often indicate when sending whether these are important mails or not. However this is not always used and therefore it is important that you do this

Optimizing your website for mobile

If you have your own website then it is important that it is accessible to everyone. It is also important that users who visit your website on their phones can access it without any problems. Nowadays websites need to be optimized for telephone use because most people visit your website on their phone. However optimizing for mobile use doesn't happen automatically. In this blog post we're going to cover exactly what you can do to optimize your website for mobile. Make navigating easy You've probably

Dealing with negative feedback

If you have your own web shop on your hosting it will sometimes happen that you get negative feedback. This can be quite annoying if you are a starting company because this can have serious consequences. It is important that you pick up on this and react however you do not have to do this immediately. It is better to take your time to analyze this and to give a more extensive response than to react immediately. In this way you can properly pick up the complaint of the customer and still give a