In order to run a website you need web hosting this is to ensure that your website is stable and protected against attacks. Read on for all the advantages of our web hosting!Web hosting is characterized by the possibility to open up a website to be reached worldwide. ensures that your website is accessible on the Internet. However it is not only webhosting that makes this possible. Registering a domain name is also an essential part of this.No web hosting without a domain nameA
Sitemaps make it easier for search engines to read your website. It says which pages should be read and which should not. And when they were last edited. Let's cover all the benefits in this blog post.With running a website there is often a lot involved. Content needs to be created design needs to be arranged with a theme or made and the technical side needs to be in order to make your website a success. With a Sitemap.xml file you ensure that your website will be processed correctly by search engines
It's the start of a new year again with the new year come new opportunities. Also for your website and hosting. With an overall report of 2020 you can make sure you have a clear view on the priorities and you can refocus where necessary. Let's cover a few tips for the annual report you can make of your website!Keeping track of some statistics is indispensable when gathering the data for an annual report. For this we are going to take into account that you have a number of tools installed on your
Dear Customer You may have already heard some things on social media or through one of our blog posts but we have our new customer panel ready and want to go live in the new year.Also a major update to the control panel has been released and we want to implement that at the same time.The new customer panel offers many advantages!The special thing about the new customer panel is that it is much more user friendly much faster and for a large part the control panel is woven into it. For the most important
Content length or the total number of words on a page on your website is a much debated topic. Many have different opinions about it and every Google core update brings this discussion to the surface. Let's find out what the opinions are on this and how you can adjust your content accordingly.Every website needs content in the form of text. Trying to create a web page without text is not only difficult. But it also brings with it very large disadvantages. A search engine crawler can not determine
Your website's most popular pages are important to keep an eye on for a number of different reasons. Let's cover them in this blog post.A website can have many reasons for becoming successful perhaps it is a website focused on a service you offer. Like consultations creating websites yourself or serving as a portfolio of your work. Or it can be an outlet for your hobby with a blog. For every website there are certain pages that are more popular than others. It is advisable to then track this and
A website is an important asset to your business you find new customers through it and can advertise in a very targeted way. However a website needs maintenance. In this blog post we share the way to stay carefree online with your website.Most websites hosted in the Netherlands are often created with WordPress this is an easy Content Management System with a low barrier to entry. However there are often other content management systems available that are used based on .NET Core. These websites are
To show ads on your website you can use a large number of solutions. With these solutions you can control how many ads are shown. Or you can let the ad networks do this for you.A website can be monetized in many methods. Ads are not only often a reliable method but with the right amount of traffic can also be very profitable. However don't expect a website with a few thousand visitors in the month to earn a lot just from ads.To be profitable with a website you not only need to attract a lot of traffic
There are a large number of ways to bring in revenue with your blog. Of which advertising is the most common method. However with companies like Amazon you can also recommend products through your website. On which you can earn a commission. In this article we explain how this works.Amazon is one of the largest internet department stores in the world. Here people can order anything from the latest book to the biggest television. Since they are active in the Netherlands you can now also become an
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