
Display a map on your website with OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free and open-source mapping platform maintained by a community of volunteers. It is an open source alternative to Google Maps and offers similar features. The biggest advantage is that you don't have to pay a license fee to display this map on your website and you can simply embed it on your website without having to worry about it any further. In this blog post we'll look at the steps you can take to do this and how you can exclude them on your website. If you decide

View website statistics on the move

There are several ways to view your website statistics on the go on a mobile device. The most popular option is the Google Analytics app which displays the same data as the desktop version but in a compact format. In this blog post we'll take a look at the Google Analytics app which is available for both Android and IOS and how you can use it to see your website performance on the go. Installing the Google Analytics app Installing the Google Analytics app is just like installing any other app on

Which databases are included in your hosting package?

Databases play a central role for almost every website when it comes to storing content and configurations for your website. So a fast and connected database is a pillar that can make or break your website. In this blog post we take a look at the different databases we offer in our hosting packages and which one is best to choose for your next project. And did you know that you can also easily switch your existing database? Let's get started! MySQL 8 MySQL 8 is one of the most popular databases

Types of links on a website

Links play a crucial role in the structure of your website both for improving the user experience and for optimizing your SEO performance. As a web host we at know how important it is to have a well thought-out link strategy that not only guides visitors through your website but also ensures better search engine rankings. In this blog post we'll take a closer look at the different types of links you can use and how best to use them for your website. What are internal and

Managing a website without a content management system

It is almost impossible to imagine the year 2024 without a content management system. Even programmed websites that you set up yourself from scratch are losing popularity for various reasons. In this blog post we want to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a website without a content management system. Advantages of a website without a CMS A website without a content management system that you set up completely yourself has a number of advantages as you have full control over what you provide

Regular updating of a website

We still see it on a daily basis as a website hosting party websites that are not updated and therefore run into trouble in the long run. For the functioning and security of your website it is imperative that you include regular rounds of updates in your schedule. In this blog post we'll discuss some tips you can take to heart to keep your website secure fast and functional for the long term. Once a website is up and running on the internet you may think you're done with it but that's not the right

WordPress Caching Plugins Compared

A caching plugin is an essential tool for any WordPress website as it helps to improve the performance of your website by temporarily storing data on the server. This means that the data will load faster when visitors open your website as it has already been prepared and saved. This process significantly shortens your page load times resulting in a smoother user experience and better performance. Which WordPress caching plugins are the best? There are a variety of caching plugins available for

How long do visitors stay on a page?

When you ask yourself how long visitors stay on a page this is easy to check within Analytics tools such as Google Analytics. In fact with Google Analytics you can see how much time a visitor has spent on a page and head after this they also performed a positive action such as moving on to another page or clicking on a link. In this blog post let's discuss where exactly you can see this and how to improve it if your average is quite low. Where can you view this within Google Analytics? To see the

Cancel domain name? Please note the following!

Domain names can be registered easily and are active are active almost immediately many domain domain names are also deleted after a short time. In some situations no problem but can also be a problem for companies and also private individuals. This blog post deals with the possible consequences of this situation and how best to deal with them. What happens if you cancel a domain name? If you want to cancel a domain name you have two options: You can cancel the domain name by direct contact or