
Gmail alternative

Gmail is one of the most popular email providers for personal and business use. If you are looking for an alternative to this for your own domain name then we at have a cheap package for you. Here you have the same functionality as in Gmail. Let's take a look at email for your own domain name in this blog post! Email is still part of everyday business life for many and email is still an important means of communication for private use as well. Whether you use email to receive

Is Google offline? New status page from Google itself

Google is the most widely used search engine in the Western world and often beyond. With the billions of searches performed on it Google is also integrated into the daily lives and work of many. From looking for a nice recipe for Christmas to searching for a local plumber. Google helps your find the right information. As a website hosting owner you depend in most cases for many your daily visitors from search results. Whether these are the natural results you manage to get or the ads you run. Before

Mail workflow - Organization in your email

There are a lot of different ways you can set up and manage your email at you have complete control over this. Let's take a look at how your email addresses can be set up and created and how to keep order in the chaos. Check out all the tips now! How your email is set up Your email addresses themselves can also be set up to suit your needs. The most common email addresses that are maintained are almost always the standard info@ address. Or contact@ which is used for this purpose.

Prepare your website for 2023

It's that time again the new year is getting closer and closer and you are heading for the busiest weeks of the Christmas season with your online store? Or are you slowly preparing for the winter vacations with your company? It is advisable to plan and consider a number of things during this time. So that you can start the new year off right! Let's take a look at some of the items you can include in an annual report. And some tips that you can use in the coming year. Things that should be in your

How much storage do you need in a hosting package?

This is a question many new website makers ask themselves because space comes into play when you have a website of multiple pages. In this case you need space for all your email addresses for your site's files and for your database. Moreover space in a package is also confused with traffic. Therefore in this blog post we will cover these aspects and components and summarize them all so that you can choose the best package! At the total space available is not further subdivided

What percentage of Internet surfers block ads?

Ads are extremely well-known on every form of media no matter how you look at it an ad makes it possible for many a newspaper TV program website and sporting event to make revenue and pay fixed expenses. Advertisements have been a fixture on many a website since the beginning of the Internet. Many a user would prefer to use a service without Ads hence the success of services such as Netflix Disney Plus or Amazon Primevideo. In this blog post let's explore how ads are perceived and how you as a

Unlimited search result scrolling also coming to desktop

The well-known second page of Google search results that receive less traffic will start to be rearranged. This functionality is already known on mobile search results but is now going to be rolled out to desktop results as well. With a rollout of the latest Google Helpful Content update this update has come for US and UK results. And will also be rolled out to the Netherlands with time. Let's take a look at how this fits together and what this may start to change. The unlimited scrolling of search

Keeping track of what is being done on your website can not only give you an idea of whether the website is perceived as pleasant to use. But also what content works and what doesn't. Your most popular content and pages can further help you make a success of your website. In this blog post let's cover how you can track this and take advantage of it. Tracking page views Tracking page views within your website can be done in a number of different ways with a number of different types of tools. Most

Is the domain name still important?

Domain names are associated with many advantages and disadvantages. Exactly matching domain names like (example) could be sold for many thousands of Euros in 2010. In fact this was an important factor for ranking in search engines like Google. However in recent years this influence has changed and its value has also decreased compared to before. Nevertheless domain names are important which we will explore in this blog post. Domain names are less important Domain names that are