
How to get your conversion rate up

How do you get your conversion rate up? In this blog post we're going to cover how to actually keep the well-deserved click towards your website. A visitor who performs a desired action on your hosting will generate a conversion. It is of course your goal to get your conversion as high as possible. But which tips can you use on your web hosting? Here are a few tips to help you with your conversion. Use catchy titles Various tests have shown that visitors often only read the headlines above the text

Website design tips

What should you consider when designing a website? In this blog post we are going to explain the basic steps of web design. What should you take into account and what kind of action list can you make? That's what we are going to cover in this blog post. Make a plan for your web design As also covered last week in our Saturday blog post you can use web design hosting which is fluid and can be done on any device. Make a plan for your website and its content. Only after this look at the design aspect

Mobile web design and Bootstrap

Mobile web design and Bootstrap To keep a website up to date mobile suitability is actually a requirement these days. A large part of traffic on a website now comes from mobile devices and therefore smaller screens than the standard desktop. It is important to take this into account when designing a website. You run the risk of missing out on traffic if your website is not suitable for mobile devices. In the beginning a mobile website was often seen as separate and could often be recognized by m.

October CMS

October CMS hosting With so many content management systems on the market it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. At we pride ourselves on adding as many Content Management Systems as possible to the knowledge base and being able to provide basic support for almost any CMS. For example this week we created the manuals for October CMS hosting. This is a CMS which is written with the help of the PHP framework Laravel. This makes it easy to get into and develop and has a lot

The look of your website

The look of your website With website creation you can throw yourself into the technical aspect and focus on this. However it is also very important to pay attention to the layout of your website. This is the first thing your visitors see and the only thing they actually look at. But what should you take into account at the front end and how can you best set this up? We will explain this in this blog post. Webdesign can be divided into a number of parts. We are going to cover the following points:

What sources are there for ASP

What resources can I use to learn ASP.NET? ASP.NET is a code language that is gaining momentum and popularity. This is partly due to the major update to ASP.NET Core that makes the platform available on any operating system or environment. This makes it a powerful language to master and can also be used to create an incredibly fast website on your hosting. In order to start working with ASP.NET Core hosting you can always use a few beginners tips. That's why in this blog post we will go through

Create new website

Create new website what do you need? To create a website you don't need that much. However it can be done in a number of ways that determine what you can and cannot do with the website. The level of knowledge also applies. In this blog post we will determine what you need to take into account and how you can get your website up and running the fastest. Which package do you need at To host a website at you need at least a total package. With a total package

WordPress websites what to look out for

WordPress websites what should you consider? To host a WordPress website successfully you need to take into account a number of things. WordPress Hosting is very easy to set up and work with however there are a number of points that you will need to pay extra attention to. Which points these are exactly we will discuss in this blog post. Load time A WordPress website can be very fast on our WordPress SSD hosting packages. This means you are on our super fast SSD disks that have the latest technology.

How do you set up a network with domains?

How to set up a network with domains? We often get asked how to set up a network of domains and get good links on your website hosting. A good example is for example Coolblue who has a large amount of domains especially for these purposes. You can also apply this yourself on a smaller scale by registering variations and similar domain names. You can then ensure that there is relevant content on the domain name. Like an information page of the product that is relevant to the domain name with a link