Beginning businesses are probably familiar with promoting their own businesses. This can be quite difficult when you are just starting out as it can cost a lot of money. It is interesting for companies to have their own website with hosting. As a company you can then be found online by your customers. This is also an opportunity for your company to get new customers for your store. However you then also have to advertise your business but how do you do that exactly? In this blog post we are going
If you are using WordPress on your hosting then of course you want the website to run as well as possible. After all the idea is that the website is fast but it also needs to be a secure website. You don't want malicious users to take over your website and abuse it. It is therefore important that you know what you can do to protect your WordPress website against this. In this blog post we will cover how you can keep your WordPress hosting safe from attacks. Passwords It's important that people
Nowadays most websites use a SSL certificate for a secure connection. You can recognize this by the padlock at the top of the search bar also there will be https:// before the link. However it may be that your website is not fully secure for example because there are images loaded over http instead of https. This is also called mixed content you will get a message about this in the top of your browser. Google Chrome already blocks some of this content for example scripts and fonts. However they
A Blog is something many companies use on their website. Not only is it fun to read but it can also help with SEO on your hosting. A blog can be about many different things think about your company or the services you provide. You can use this to be at the top of Google with certain search words. In this blog post we will discuss what exactly a blog adds to your website and how you can use it to improve your SEO. You are easier to find Besides being fun for your users to read you can also use blogs
Many people use Google Chrome as it is currently the most popular browser that is. However the last time researchers found a leak in Google Chrome that showed pop-ups. Users were redirected to a website containing malware. If you use an adblocker you will not be bothered by this. The malware exploited a security flaw that allowed the pop-up blocker to be bypassed. This is a vulnerability that was reported on April 11 and was resolved when Google Chrome 75 was released. Should I switch? Now that
If your company uses web hosting then it is also important that you have e-mail. You can use the standard mail settings but it is also possible to use Hosted Exchange services. Now you might be wondering what exactly Hosted Exchange entails and why you should purchase it. In this blog post we will discuss the difference between Hosted Exchange IMAP and POP. IMAP and POP IMAP is a mail protocol where a copy of your mailbox is directly retrieved from the server. This makes it possible to synchronize
Most websites nowadays use a database if you use a CMS this will be set up automatically. However it is also possible that you create your own website completely by yourself in which case you also have to set up your database yourself. This can be quite a challenge when you do this for the first time. Therefore in this blog post we are going to give you some tips on how to maintain a database on your hosting. Maintenance Just like your website you also need to maintain your own database. You do
If you have your own webshop then you will probably have heard of the CMS called Magento. This is a CMS that is specifically aimed at people who want to start their own webshop. So when you want to run a webshop on your hosting this might be an interesting CMS to look at. Magento is an Open Source system this means that everyone can use it and create plug-ins for it. We recently found out that MagentoLive is coming to the Netherlands in this blog post we will discuss what this event and Magento
If you use your own web shop then it is of course important that it remains interesting for your customers. In this blog post we would like to give you some tips on how to keep your web shop hosting interesting. Use email and a contact page For a web shop you obviously want to be easily accessible to your customers. If they cannot contact you they will probably look elsewhere for an alternative. It is therefore important that you have a contact page with your details but a contact form is also
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