If you have a commercial website and hosting then of course you want to advertise it. The advertising you do for this should of course bring more visitors and customers to your website. You can use different techniques for this think for example of creating a blog like this one. This is not directly advertising your website but it will get you higher in Google. It is of course good for your website to get more visitors. In this blog post we are going to discuss how you can advertise your website
Firefox has been working hard this year to focus on user privacy. They have also shown this in a new blog post that they are focusing more and more on this. For example earlier this year they released an update that blocked external trackers and cryptominers on websites by default. However they have now also made it possible to see which websites are tracking you. With this you can see how many external trackers and social media trackers are further blocked. Where can I see this? You are now naturally
Alternatives to Wordpress If you have been involved in the world of computers and hosting for any length of time then you are probably familiar with WordPress. It is the most widely used content management system available. One of the reasons why it is so popular is that it is free and easy to use. However there are also alternatives that you can use we will go through some of these systems in this blog post. Based on this you can then make a choice for the CMS that suits you. Umbraco A system that
You see it more and more often in news articles these days zero-day attacks carried out on companies. Now you might be wondering what exactly it means and if it will affect your hosting. Zero-day attacks are attacks that are performed on the same day that a vulnerability is discovered. Because of this the developers do not have the possibility to fix it malicious people like to take advantage of this. As a user you can of course also help by for example informing companies about a leak if you know
When you are new to the world of websites and hosting it may well be that you have yet to create your website. The design is of course very important if you don't have a beautiful website people are more likely to look elsewhere for an alternative. It is therefore important that your website looks nice but also that it is not too busy. A good design is therefore very important for your website otherwise you will lose visitors but what is a good design? In this blog post we will go through a number
WordPress is the most widely used content management system out there. Because of this there are also many different plug-ins available that you can use for many different things. Now you are probably wondering which plug-ins you should or should not use for your Hosting. We are going to cover in this blog post what good free WordPress plugins are regardless of what kind of website you have. UpdraftPlus It is always advisable to make Backups of your website then if things go wrong you can restore
How do I optimize images? On your own website you probably have your own images images give your website a nicer look. You want a nice image with a high resolution but this is not always a good idea. Large images take up a lot of space on your hosting which can cause the loading to take a lot longer. This is obviously not the intention because your website needs to be fast. That is why in this blog post we will discuss how you can best optimize your images. The size One of the most important things
For your hosting it is important that the landing page looks good. The fact is that visitors decide very quickly whether to stay on a website or not. For this reason a first impression of your website is very important. The average visitor decides within 3 seconds whether he stays on the website or not. Now you may be wondering how you can make sure you have a good landing page. In this blog post we will go through how to make a good landing page for your website. The speed Now that you've read
Nowadays phishing attacks are used more and more so you have to be more and more careful about this. The Belgian government has therefore started a new awareness campaign to make people aware of this. They have come up with a slogan the slogan is "Relax and think twice before clicking on a link". This is not only aimed at people who use hosting but also at ordinary internet users. It often happens that people still press phising links often because they press too fast. How do I recognize phising?
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